Commentary Search

  • How my sexual assault shaped me but did not break me

    One unexpected and devastating experience during my initial training changed me forever. My rape damaged not only my sense of self, but also my sense of belonging at a critical phase of my career. I became a member of the more than 20 thousand annual unreported cases of sexual assault, according to

  • April Fitness Tips

    Spring Circuit  5 minutes of stretching5-10 minutes of cardio – bike, outside quick jog, or jump rope1 minute of step up’s holding 5-10lb dumbbells1-2 minute plank5-10 minutes of cardio – bike, outside quick jog, or jump rope1 minute pushups1 minute situps5-10 minutes of cardio – bike, outside quick

  • A culture of inclusion is key to success

    In recognition of Transgender Day of Visibility, AFMC’s LGBTQ Initiatives Team highlights the importance of inclusion for transgender people across the mission and how individuals can support the command and Air Force-wide inclusion efforts.

  • I’m still here

    Imagine for a minute you’re a nervous 17-year-old high school kid. You’re the president of a club, and you’ll be giving a speech at the club’s annual banquet. Not only that, but a state representative whom you admire is going to be there listening to your speech.

  • Choose your hard

    I attended a church service a few weeks ago when I was home for a visit and my pastor preached a sermon on, “Choosing your hard.” He pointed out that every day we are faced with choices that will have second and third order impacts on our lives. Even not making a choice is a decision that can still

  • Consider Donating to the Air Force Assistance Fund

    The Air Force Assistance Fund (AFAF) consists of 4 charities: Air Force Aid Society, General and Mrs. Curtis E. LeMay Foundation, the Air Force Village and the Air Force Enlisted Village. These charities assist Airmen, Guardians and their family members with emergency assistance, educational

  • Dental IMR – Understanding Dental Classes

    Have you ever been confused about what your dental technician and the dentist are saying during your appointment? When they say things like caries, periodontics or when they talk about your dental class. Well, I am going to help you understand the meaning behind a dental class.

  • Seeking feedback

    Concepts like transparency, feedback and vulnerability are common throughout leadership books, articles, discussions and courses. Although these concepts are all extremely important, they are meaningless without context. For instance, many will state that vulnerability is fundamental to leadership

  • Women's History Month: 99s Fly-In

    March 2022 represents the 35th iteration of National Women’s History Month. Women have made their mark in every major career field and occupation on earth, aviation included.  Let’s take a look into one of the most unique organizations you will ever hear about.  They are called the “Ninety-Nines”.