The Alamo Wing Blue Jacket Squadron was established in 2014, consisting of 28 local community leaders who had "retired" out of the Honorary Commanders Program. It stemmed from its members' desires to remain an integral part of the military community. The group motto is, "The Alamo Wing has served us, now it is our turn to serve them." Since that time, they have held annual and quarterly meetings, bi-annual election of officers and inducted additional members. Today it has more than 100 members.
Council Oath
I do solemnly swear
to serve honorably
as a member of
The Alamo Wing Blue Jacket Squadron
as I have during my time as
an Honorary Commander.
I will continue to support
the 433rd Airlift Wing,
I will continue to share my knowledge
with my family, my friends
and my colleagues.
I will support the U.S. military,
its mission and its people
for the duration of my tenure
so help me God.