1. The 433rd AW Web site provides the commander a primary means of communicating mission-essential information to members of the organization. The commander normally defers all decisions on news propriety, story placement, publication date, and use of photography to the Public Affairs officer.
2. News and feature stories on people and organizations provide recognition of excellence in performance and help set forth norms for mission accomplishment.
3. News coverage and content will conform to policies of the Air Force and to the direction of the 433rd AW commander. News reporting will be factual and objective. News coverage will avoid morbid, sensational or alarming details not necessary to factual news reporting. News writing will distinguish between fact and opinion. When an opinion is expressed, the source will be identified. This public Web site will not publish commercial news or editorials.
4. This public Web site will keep Airmen and members of the general public accurately informed about military matters affecting their futures, to improve matters affecting their current life and their futures, to improve morale and to quell rumors. Only information cleared for public release in accordance with AFI 33-129, AFI 35-107, Air Force Reserve Command Editorial Policy and other associated policies and instructions can be posted to the 433rd AW public websites, including Facebook.
5. News and editorial content will provide information to all members of the 433rd AW community to improve the quality of their lives and thereby the effectiveness of the work force. This includes officers, enlisted members, civilian employees, family members, retirees, and Reservists and Guardsmen.
6. This Web site will de-glamorize the use of alcohol and tobacco products. Articles concerning the club, unit, or other activities may mention these products as long as the emphasis is on the activities and not the products.
7. This public Web site will not display commercial advertising.
8. Event announcements published on this Web site must be made available to all readers without regard to race, religion, sex, national origin, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor.
9. The contents of this Web site will conform to applicable regulations and laws relating to libel and copyright, the Air Force Privacy Act Program and Standards of Conduct, as well as U.S. Government printing and postal regulations.
10. Locally originated articles will reflect the policies of the commander and be in the interest of the Air Force. Editorials should help readers understand Air Force policies and programs. They must not imply criticism of other government agencies, nor advocate or dispute specific political, diplomatic, or legislative matters. Statements or articles on legislative matters by people or agencies outside the DOD, including officials or candidates for public office, will not be used.
a. Mission impact: information that impacts the Air Force mission and the 433rd AW's ability to carry out that mission will be given first priority. Stories or information passed directly from the wing commander are in this category as well as designated command and Air Force must-run articles.
b. Indirect mission impact: Items that may affect or appeal to a great portion of the Wing and cyber community, but do not directly impact the mission. Fitness events, on-base construction work, etc., are examples of items in this category.
c. Community impact: This includes stories or information about the Wing and local community information that affect the morale and quality of life activities for members. Examples include features and photos, Annual Veterans Day Parade, and Gate-to-Gate run coverage. Public Website policy is to NOT publish obituaries, going-away events, quarterly awards, retirements, safety/awareness/health briefings, re-enlistments, distinguished visitor visits, school honor rolls, high school and college graduations, sports team rosters and other events similar in type.