Jan. 21, 2021 Air Force Rolls out Coaching Culture Facilitator Course Pilot for Mid-level Leaders GS-11 supervisors with 10 years time-in-service along with O-3s and E-7s with two years time-in-grade, can now apply for the online Air Force Coaching Culture Facilitator Course Pilot scheduled to begin in April 2021.
Jan. 20, 2021 Roth to serve as acting Secretary of the Air Force Roth succeeds Barbara Barrett, who served as the 25th Secretary of the Air Force from Oct. 18, 2019, until Jan. 20.
Jan. 11, 2021 Language Enabled Airman Program accepting cadet applications LEAP is a career-spanning program aimed to sustain and improve Airmen's language and cultural capabilities. Managed by the Air Force Culture and Language Center, the program seeks to develop cross-culturally competent leaders who can meet Air Force global mission requirements.
Dec. 11, 2020 DAF highlights participation in Disability Action Working Group The Department of the Air Force Disability Action Working Group helps disabled people by providing an open forum to share concerns and forge better working environments for employees with disabilities.
Dec. 11, 2020 CSAF releases action orders to accelerate change across Air Force In August, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr., released his strategic approach entitled Accelerate Change or Lose, in which he described his view of the strategic landscape as Air Force chief of staff and, from that, his emphasis on why change is necessary. The newly-released action
Dec. 7, 2020 Department of the Air Force moves Physical Fitness Assessments to April 2021, removes waist measurement from composite score permanently To ensure social distancing practices remain in place during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and to give Airmen and Space Professionals time to prepare, testing was delayed from October to January and is now further delayed to April.
Dec. 1, 2020 Air Force hits record retention levels, reviews voluntary force management efforts The Department of the Air Force is seeing its highest retention levels in 20 years, second only to rates recorded shortly after 9/11 in 2002.
Nov. 20, 2020 AF restores military tuition assistance cap, AF COOL funding $4,500 per fiscal year and online preparatory course funding for fiscal year 2021, effective immediately.
Nov. 19, 2020 Department of the Air Force selects six candidate locations for US Space Command Headquarters The Department of the Air Force, on behalf of the Office of Secretary of Defense, has selected six candidate locations for the U.S. Space Command Headquarters.
Nov. 16, 2020 VCSAF Wilson ends longest tenure in AF history Air Force Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Stephen “Seve” Wilson retired Nov. 13 in a ceremony at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling in Washington, D.C., ending the longest tenure in the position.