
  • Daylight saving time: Fall back this Sunday

    Daylight saving time begins the second Sunday in March and ends the first Sunday in November, when clocks are adjusted one hour back to standard time.Congress instituted daylight savings time during World War I and again during World War II, and once again during the energy crisis of the early

  • Keep safety in mind over Labor Day weekend

    WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio -- This weekend, the Air Force family’s military and civilian members will spend some well-deserved time away from their duty sections.As we enjoy Labor Day festivities, let’s remember to look out for one another and keep the major safety themes we have

  • Keep sun safety in mind to prevent skin cancer

    WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio -- Whether you spend time outdoors hiking, swimming or just relaxing in the backyard, limiting exposure to the sun’s harmful rays must be a priority.According to the American Cancer Society, more than 3 million people are diagnosed with skin cancer each year in

  • First female aviator receives Kolligian Trophy

    In April 2020, during a routine training sortie, Bye’s A-10’s gun experienced a catastrophic failure, her canopy was sent soaring through the sky during flight and forced her to decide to either eject or attempt a gear-up “belly” landing.

  • Gun safes excluded from household goods weight allowance

    As the number of accidental child injuries and deaths continue to rise, more and more incidents are attributed to unsecured, loaded guns. Defense leaders are confident this update will help improve overall gun safety in homes, while also helping to decrease service member suicides.

  • Distracted driving ripe with dangers

    WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio -- The next time you’re at a stoplight, take a look around. Look at the vehicle next to you, on your left and right.You might see the mother of two turned around, trying to give her baby a pacifier. Or you might see a businessman, dressed in a suit and tie,