Feb. 19, 2021 Department of the Air Force Leaders direct second IG Disparity Review The review follows the department’s 2020 Racial Disparity Review released in Dec. 2020 and expands its focus into three additional racial categories (Asian, American Indian/Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander), gender, and one additional ethnic category (Hispanic/Latinx).
Feb. 2, 2021 Department of the Air Force institutes Office of Diversity and Inclusion In June 2020, former Secretary of the Air Force Barbara Barrett stood up a Diversity and Inclusion Task Force, which has evolved into this new office. The organization will work directly for the secretary of the Air Force and continue to address the strategic impact of diversity, inclusion and
Jan. 21, 2021 Air Force to allow longer braids, ponytails, bangs for women As an outcome of the 101st Air Force uniform board, Air Force women will be able to wear their hair in up to two braids or a single ponytail with bulk not exceeding the width of the head and length not extending below a horizontal line running between the top of each sleeve inseam at the under arm
Dec. 11, 2020 DAF highlights participation in Disability Action Working Group The Department of the Air Force Disability Action Working Group helps disabled people by providing an open forum to share concerns and forge better working environments for employees with disabilities.
Nov. 20, 2020 A Tale of Two Air Forces: How the Tuskegee Airmen bridged the divide Rick Sinkfield is the president of the San Antonio Chapter of The Tuskegee Airmen Inc., which exists to motivate youth to outstanding achievement and leadership in American society and to preserve the legacy of their role models, the Tuskegee Airmen.
July 17, 2020 Air Force publishes resources to support Airmen & Space Professionals in courageous conversations To equip leaders in leading those necessary conversations, the Department of the Air Force developed a resource list on race-specific issues, unconscious bias, diversity and inclusion, among others.
July 13, 2020 Air Force building more inclusive culture through Dress and Appearance updates The changes, as outlined in an Air Force Guidance Memorandum dated July 1, 2020, include the removal of subjective language and other rules that may have been creating unintentional or unfair barriers for Air and Space Force uniformed members.
July 8, 2020 Department of the Air Force stands up Diversity and Inclusion Task Force The task force is charged with identifying and changing policies, procedures, barriers and other practices that may be unfairly impacting underrepresented Air and Space Professionals.