June 1, 2022 Mental Health is Real Health: Leveraging Resilience Resources is Paramount to Readiness The term “mental health” is a strange one. Too often we equate “mental health” with problems, symptoms, or crises. Yet, mental health is just that – a form of health. The brain is part of the body. We take pride as military members in honing physical fitness, and the same should be true of the
May 31, 2022 Stop, drop and roll: Not just for fires We expect that most people will recall the stop, drop and roll drill if their clothing catches fire, but we’ve not collectively programmed such an instinctual response to mental health challenges. It’s almost as if we need to teach a short, memorable approach from an early age so that it overrides
May 26, 2022 Suicide prevention and mental health resources provide help: You are not alone Life is full of ups and downs. But sometimes life events - financial strain, relationships, isolation, emotional or sexual abuse, stress, and misuse or abuse of alcohol or drugs - can lead to depression, anxiety, and thoughts of suicide for some. It’s important to remember that you are not alone.
May 6, 2022 Mental struggles often go hand-in-hand with alcohol abuse WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio -- May is National Mental Health Awareness Month. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration is also devoting attention to the dangers of alcohol abuse this month.With summertime drawing near, important life changes could be on the way for
May 19, 2021 Reducing the stigma, encouraging mental health care in the military In the military, the stigma of mental health is grounded in the cultural misperception that a service member must have "zero defects" to be mission-ready. While the Department of Defense strives to identify and eliminate barriers to care that service members face regarding mental health treatment,
May 14, 2020 Mental Health Awareness Month: Resiliency, wellness The goal of the Wellness and Resiliency Program is to help ensure there is a resilient community being built and maintained throughout all areas of a wounded warrior’s life to include their physical, spiritual, mental and social fitness. During COVID-19, the team assists warriors, caregivers and