
Loading up a piece of history

The Museum of Aviation is getting a replacement for one of its older displays from Lackland Air Force Base. An F-102A aircraft, built in 1955 and displayed here since 1977, is moving to Robbins AFB, Ga. Tech. Sgt. Robert Kane, non-commissioned officer in-charge of the aerial port at the 733rd Training Squadron, Senior Master Sgt. Robert Pacheco, head air transportation craftsman with the 74th Aerial Port Squadron and Tech. Sgt. Alejandro Molina, a transportation specialist with the 733rd APS, worked with representatives from Robbins AFB, Ga. to palletize the aircraft parts. The F-102A will travel on an Alamo Wing C-5A to Robbins. The F-102A will join other static displays at the Museum of Aviation after reassembly and refurbishment. “It is the museum’s main goal to continually upgrade their collection … and to preserve military history for generations to come,” said Anthony Faircloth, the chief restorer at the Museum of Aviation.

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