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  • Seeking feedback

    Concepts like transparency, feedback and vulnerability are common throughout leadership books, articles, discussions and courses. Although these concepts are all extremely important, they are meaningless without context. For instance, many will state that vulnerability is fundamental to leadership

  • Women's History Month: 99s Fly-In

    March 2022 represents the 35th iteration of National Women’s History Month. Women have made their mark in every major career field and occupation on earth, aviation included.  Let’s take a look into one of the most unique organizations you will ever hear about.  They are called the “Ninety-Nines”. 

  • Check in before they check out

    He had cleaned out his locker so he could go home and kill himself. He squeezed out the front door of his junior high school carrying a pile of books, two sweaters, a baseball bat, a glove and a small tape recorder (remember those things?). Of course, it was too much and he tripped, objects