433rd tees off for good cause Published Oct. 16, 2009 By Capt. Bruce Hill 433 AW Public Affairs LACKLAND AFB -- Golf is an unforgiving sport, and is probably one of the most frustrating games known to man. It creates a compounding frustration that often leads to swearing and hating yourself at times, but because of an apparent masochistic love for the game, golfers somehow find their way back to the course again and again. In most four-person team formats, as was the structure at the 433rd Family Day golf tournament held Oct 2nd at the Gateway Golf Course on Lackland Air Force Base, frustrations normally associated with the game get thrust aside. A camaraderie and esprit de corps, even between golfers that had never before met, seems to take over. To do well as a team, it takes determination, team work and cooperation to play the best shot of the four golfers and turn in the lowest score possible at the end of the day. This may be why the four-person best ball tournament is such a popular venue to raise money for charity events as well. No three people could be more committed to the tournament than Master Sgt. Bobby H.Casas, tournament director and structure repair mechanic for the 433rd Maintenance Squadron, Master Sgt. Max Hernandez, also a structure repair mechanic for the 433rd Maintenance Squadron, and Joe Cavazos, an aircrew flight equipment supervisor with the 433rd Operation Squadron. All three demonstrate their appreciation for the game every year when they put on the golf tournament. This year the event played under partly sunny skies and very pleasant conditions. A good recipe for a charity golf event where a portion of the tournament proceeds benefitted the Wing Care 'n' Share program. Since 1993, the Wing Care and Share program has distributed nearly $15,000 to $20,000. "It really is a great sight to see friends and family of the 433rd come together at this event every year and raise money for the Wing Care and Share program," Casas said. "We had another beautiful day out here and I'd just like to thank Gateway Golf Club and sponsors like Lockheed Martin for making it all happen. It couldn't be done without their help and without the support from the entire 433rd organization." Friday marked the 17th time the 433rd has held the event. The tournament schedule consisted of one 18-hole round of golf, an award for longest drive on one hole and one for closest to the pin, door prizes, and awards for top placing four-person teams. Food was provided and participants were able to use the course's driving range and putting green prior to their round. "This was particularly a special event for me," Casas said. "It was my last one as an active member of the Wing." Casas retires in January 2010 from the 433rd Airlift Wing as a U.S. Air Force reservist after serving more than 27 years. To get in on the action next year watch for family day emails in your inbox around the August and September time frame. WINNING TEAM: Senior Master Sgt. Daniel Martinez Master Sgt. Jesse Lopez Master Sgt. Johnny Moreno Mr. Pat Cadena