News and Events: May 2022 Published May 2, 2022 Monthly Observance May is Military Appreciation Month: a time to recognize military service members who are still serving or who have already served. We celebrate the successes of those still with us and remember those who have passed. As the US Air Force celebrates its 75th Birthday this year (1947-2022), we also celebrate the many contributions and sacrifices by both women and men of the United States Air Force. At Air University Press, we honor those women who have and are playing a vital role in our Nation’s history. Come see our selection of books at the AUP Book Store. Key Dates May 08 – Mother’s Day: A very special thank you to all moms! May 10-12 – 1st Annual Strategic Landpower Symposium: This symposium will support HQDA and the Joint staff's consideration of Strategic Landpower challenges. May 12 – Military Spouse Appreciation Day: A day dedicated to spouses, one of our biggest supporters and partners. May 21 – Armed Forces Day: When we recognize all of our military branches and the incredible work they do! May 30 – Memorial Day: Remembering those who have passed that served and protected our great nation.