Houston Airshow 2024

DAF authorizes pass for COVID booster

  • Published
  • Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs

Airmen and Guardians who are eligible and elect to receive a booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine are authorized a four-hour pass, or up to four-hours administrative leave for Department of the Air Force civilians.

“We strongly encourage all Airmen, Guardians, and DAF federal employees to receive a booster. As COVID-19 cases continue to surge, we need to do everything possible to protect ourselves, our families, and our communities—that means getting a booster,” said Under Secretary of the Air Force Gina Ortiz Jones. “The four-hour authorized time may be applied retroactively for those who have already received the booster.”

The Office of Personnel Management authorizes federal employees up to four hours of administrative leave to receive a vaccine booster shot, which is designed to cover “the time it takes to travel to the vaccination site, receive the vaccination dose, and return to work.”

If federal employees take less than four hours to receive their booster shot, they should be granted only that amount of time in administrative leave, and employees cannot receive leave or overtime if they get their booster shot outside of their normal work hours.

Federal employees are also authorized up to four hours of administrative leave to accompany their family members who are receiving any dose of a COVID-19 vaccination.

Federal employees should obtain advance approval from their supervisor before being permitted to use administrative leave for COVID-19 vaccination purposes.

To date, more than 95% of Total Force Airmen and Guardians have been vaccinated. For the latest information on DAF COVID policies, statistics, news and resources, visit the DAF COVID-19 website on AF.mil or Spaceforce.mil.