C-5M on full display for IAAFA students Published April 2, 2017 By Senior Airman Bryan Swink 433rd Airlift Wing Public Affairs JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, Texas -- More than 80 students from the Inter-American Air Forces Academy visited units of the 433rd Airlift Wing and toured a C-5M Super Galaxy during a tour March 29. For many of the IAAFA students, this was the first opportunity to get an up-close look at the second largest aircraft in the world and the largest in the U.S. Air Force's inventory and to see a few of the units who support the C-5M mission. "A tour of this magnitude means a great deal to these students," said Tech Sgt. Eduardo Sibja, Inter-American Air Forces Academy sheet metals instructor. "Most of them aren’t used to seeing this type of equipment that we have here and it give them a better understanding of what we are teaching them within our classrooms." For more information about the Alamo Wing's Base Tour Program, click here.