Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC) Airlift Control Flight (ALCF) provides a nucleus of experienced airlift personnel to manage, coordinate and control air mobility assets. The ALCF is a vital part of the Air Mobility Command's global command and control structure. They provide a capability for operating at locations where there is limited support and are self-sufficient to be able to sustain operations under bare-base conditions. They are the front line of command and control, carrying out the commander's orders and back channeling data to keep the mission flowing.
When deployed, a reserve ALCF is called Tanker Airlift Control Element (TALCE). A TALCE consists of a cadre of operations and communications personnel from the ALCF complemented by other mission support specialists from aerial port, maintenance, weather and security. TALCE provides continuing on-site management of airfield operations. Their primary focus is on aircrew management, aircraft flight following, maintenance of aircraft, and the loading and unloading of aircraft. They deploy in support of special assignment airlift missions (SAAM), joint airborne air transportability training (JA/ATT), training exercises, tanker support and contingency or emergency relief missions.
The Reserve ALCF owns sophisticated communications packages to include six Mobility Air Reporting and Communications (MARC) systems. The MARC is an environmentally controlled mobile shelter containing a full spectrum of communications equipment. TALCE has worldwide communications connectivity. Reserve members train to the same standards as their active-duty counterparts. To qualify for ALCF duty, members must have substantial flying or operations planning experience. Similar to the associate flying program, ALCF personnel may work deployed missions independently or along side their active-duty counterparts. The ALCF is also responsible for the training of Air Force and sister service units on how to move by air. They instruct over 400 units periodically in preparing and loading their mobility equipment for air shipment.
Reserve participation by ALCF reservists is high, averaging 90 days of duty annually. Our missions are very diverse and range from 2 days to 6 months in length. Reserve ALCF plays a dynamic part to the AMC global reach lay down (GRL) mission by providing 45percent of the Air Force capability. They have participated in every major real-world deployment involving Air Force strategic airlift forces in the past decade.
1. Operation Iraqi Freedom
2. Operation Enduring Freedom
4. Desert Warrior
5. Hurricane Katrina Relief
6. Hurricane Rita Relief