
  • New to TRICARE? Handbook helps people learn their health plan options

    If you’re curious about your TRICARE health plan options, the TRICARE Choices in the United States Handbook can help. Whether you’re on active duty, separating from service, retiring, or a family member, this all-in-one handbook provides an overview of your stateside health care options. It also

  • TRICARE answers questions about baby formula

    The shortage of baby formula is having an impact on millions of families. This includes military families living in the U.S. and overseas. It’s important you know what TRICARE does and doesn’t cover. Here are a few questions and answers about infant formula coverage to help.

  • 10 TRICARE health care terms you should know

    Have you recently come across a health care term and weren’t quite sure what it meant? It’s OK. Health care coverage is full of terms you may not know. To help you better understand your TRICARE benefit, here’s a list of commonly used health care terms and definitions.

  • Is Your DEERS Information Up to Date?

    When is the last time you checked to see if your information in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System, or DEERS, is up to date? If it’s been a while, take time to log in to DEERS and review your information. Keeping information on you and your family current in DEERS is important.

  • How to get urgent care under your TRICARE health plan

    Do you have an injury or illness that isn’t quite serious enough for a trip to the emergency room? This might be the right time to go to an urgent care center. Most TRICARE beneficiaries can go to an urgent care center whenever they need to. You just want to be sure to check out and follow the