1 00:00:01,540 --> 00:00:04,770 I will obviously the defense strategy 2 00:00:04,770 --> 00:00:07,350 is a function of the policy of of the 3 00:00:07,350 --> 00:00:10,020 Secretary . We certainly believe that 4 00:00:10,020 --> 00:00:12,242 this is , we always have to look at the 5 00:00:12,242 --> 00:00:14,464 changes of strategy . We've already are 6 00:00:14,464 --> 00:00:16,298 in in the process of redoing the 7 00:00:16,298 --> 00:00:20,050 strategy right now . We think that's uh 8 00:00:20,060 --> 00:00:22,390 correct follow on the 2018 National 9 00:00:22,390 --> 00:00:24,501 Defense Strategy , so answer is yes . 10 00:00:24,501 --> 00:00:26,460 Yes . Okay . I would just add 11 00:00:26,460 --> 00:00:28,682 Congressman , the Secretary is required 12 00:00:28,682 --> 00:00:30,550 by law to to do his own strategy 13 00:00:30,550 --> 00:00:32,717 assessment and that the law is sort of 14 00:00:32,717 --> 00:00:34,217 structure , that every new 15 00:00:34,217 --> 00:00:36,328 administration will be required to do 16 00:00:36,328 --> 00:00:38,328 so and that's that's underway . But 17 00:00:38,328 --> 00:00:40,217 that this funding reduction would 18 00:00:40,217 --> 00:00:42,328 require a shift and a change and that 19 00:00:42,328 --> 00:00:44,439 was the question that I asked and and 20 00:00:44,439 --> 00:00:46,606 that's not necessarily the case . No . 21 00:00:46,606 --> 00:00:48,606 Okay . It's good to know you can do 22 00:00:48,606 --> 00:00:50,890 more with less . Last week , President 23 00:00:50,890 --> 00:00:53,112 Biden met with President Vladimir Putin 24 00:00:53,112 --> 00:00:55,057 on the world stage , Biden said he 25 00:00:55,057 --> 00:00:57,112 handed Putin a list of 16 sectors of 26 00:00:57,112 --> 00:00:59,334 critical infrastructure which are quote 27 00:00:59,334 --> 00:01:01,501 unquote off limits for cyber attacks . 28 00:01:01,501 --> 00:01:03,557 We believe that everything should be 29 00:01:03,557 --> 00:01:05,557 off limits from attacks of any kind 30 00:01:05,557 --> 00:01:07,446 from the Kremlin . Given that the 31 00:01:07,446 --> 00:01:09,446 president did not make this clear , 32 00:01:09,446 --> 00:01:11,557 it's even more important to invest in 33 00:01:11,557 --> 00:01:11,360 safeguarding our D . O . D . Networks 34 00:01:11,360 --> 00:01:13,582 and information systems . How does this 35 00:01:13,582 --> 00:01:15,638 budget build on the progress made in 36 00:01:15,638 --> 00:01:17,416 the military cyber operations ? 37 00:01:21,240 --> 00:01:23,670 Mm , The budget continues this budget 38 00:01:23,670 --> 00:01:25,503 continues to invest in in a very 39 00:01:25,503 --> 00:01:27,448 effective cyber command , which we 40 00:01:27,448 --> 00:01:29,614 already have . Uh , as I think you are 41 00:01:29,614 --> 00:01:31,360 aware of , the most recent 42 00:01:31,360 --> 00:01:33,193 vulnerabilities have been on the 43 00:01:33,193 --> 00:01:34,971 nondefense side and that's that 44 00:01:34,971 --> 00:01:37,027 stretches into the homeland security 45 00:01:37,027 --> 00:01:39,193 and even the private sector's areas of 46 00:01:39,193 --> 00:01:41,360 responsibility . That's probably where 47 00:01:41,360 --> 00:01:40,610 our greatest challenges lie . Our 48 00:01:40,610 --> 00:01:42,610 networks have been pretty good with 49 00:01:42,610 --> 00:01:44,832 respect to solar winds in any number of 50 00:01:44,832 --> 00:01:46,943 recent attacks have not really been a 51 00:01:46,943 --> 00:01:48,999 problem for D . O . D . Because they 52 00:01:48,999 --> 00:01:51,054 have been so much for other actors . 53 00:01:51,054 --> 00:01:53,221 Okay , the single biggest reduction in 54 00:01:53,221 --> 00:01:55,332 proposed year over year cyber funding 55 00:01:55,332 --> 00:01:57,499 request appears to be an overseas hunt 56 00:01:57,499 --> 00:02:00,330 forward cyber office with a 2.284 point 57 00:02:00,330 --> 00:02:03,680 $4 million cut uh , two down to 58 00:02:03,680 --> 00:02:07,570 147.2 million in fy 22 versus requested . 59 00:02:07,570 --> 00:02:10,280 $431 million last year . What is hunt 60 00:02:10,280 --> 00:02:12,058 forward and why is it no longer 61 00:02:12,058 --> 00:02:15,890 important sir ? I 62 00:02:15,890 --> 00:02:18,057 would say that Hunt ford operations is 63 00:02:18,057 --> 00:02:19,890 the ability to cyber teams to go 64 00:02:19,890 --> 00:02:21,834 forward with the permission of our 65 00:02:21,834 --> 00:02:24,650 allies to find threats to our networks 66 00:02:24,660 --> 00:02:27,160 abroad before they infect invade our 67 00:02:27,160 --> 00:02:29,327 own networks . The money you're seeing 68 00:02:29,327 --> 00:02:31,271 here , I I don't know the specific 69 00:02:31,271 --> 00:02:33,382 dollar amount , but what we also have 70 00:02:33,382 --> 00:02:35,493 added is for cyber mission teams that 71 00:02:35,493 --> 00:02:37,604 will assist in Further improving . We 72 00:02:37,604 --> 00:02:40,560 actually did a $400 million 10 billion 73 00:02:40,560 --> 00:02:42,910 up to 10.4 specifically . To get after 74 00:02:42,910 --> 00:02:45,077 some of the issues you have their hunt 75 00:02:45,077 --> 00:02:47,299 forward operations specifically because 76 00:02:47,299 --> 00:02:49,521 they are , you know , at the request of 77 00:02:49,521 --> 00:02:51,243 of of of another government is 78 00:02:51,243 --> 00:02:53,077 something that obviously we will 79 00:02:53,077 --> 00:02:55,077 continue to fund out of those teams 80 00:02:55,077 --> 00:02:57,354 that we help to perform those missions . 81 00:02:57,440 --> 00:02:59,551 Thank you . Uh , gentleman's time has 82 00:02:59,551 --> 00:03:01,551 expired now . Recognize the general 83 00:03:01,551 --> 00:03:03,718 woman from California mislead for five 84 00:03:03,718 --> 00:03:07,690 minutes . Thank 85 00:03:07,690 --> 00:03:09,801 you very much . Mr . Chairman . Thank 86 00:03:09,801 --> 00:03:11,857 you Under Secretary McCord for being 87 00:03:11,857 --> 00:03:13,968 with us today . Couple things . First 88 00:03:13,968 --> 00:03:16,190 of all for those who have made comments 89 00:03:16,190 --> 00:03:18,830 uh , regarding the so called for left 90 00:03:18,840 --> 00:03:21,150 in terms of spending reduction . I just 91 00:03:21,150 --> 00:03:23,200 want to say a couple of things with 92 00:03:23,200 --> 00:03:25,490 regard to our support for our troops , 93 00:03:25,500 --> 00:03:27,910 our support for our national security 94 00:03:27,910 --> 00:03:30,021 and our readiness . In no way we have 95 00:03:30,021 --> 00:03:31,966 represented and it cuts , it would 96 00:03:31,966 --> 00:03:33,743 tamper with any of our national 97 00:03:33,743 --> 00:03:35,670 security Needs , especially as it 98 00:03:35,670 --> 00:03:37,781 relates to our troops . And in fact , 99 00:03:37,790 --> 00:03:39,846 we want to make sure that our troops 100 00:03:39,846 --> 00:03:42,068 are fully supported , which we have not 101 00:03:42,068 --> 00:03:43,957 done in the past . So I wanted to 102 00:03:43,957 --> 00:03:46,140 clarify that for the record , I'm the 103 00:03:46,140 --> 00:03:48,410 daughter of a military officer . 25 104 00:03:48,410 --> 00:03:50,632 years served in two wars . And there is 105 00:03:50,632 --> 00:03:53,510 no way that I would even think of going 106 00:03:53,510 --> 00:03:55,677 into trying to reduce defense spending 107 00:03:55,677 --> 00:03:58,600 that would uh hurt or harm our national 108 00:03:58,600 --> 00:04:01,000 security or our troops uh for three 109 00:04:01,000 --> 00:04:04,160 decades . Now though , the federal 110 00:04:04,160 --> 00:04:06,160 agencies have been required to pass 111 00:04:06,160 --> 00:04:08,560 financial audits undersecretary record . 112 00:04:09,340 --> 00:04:12,620 Now , last year we heard that we were 113 00:04:12,620 --> 00:04:14,787 told that an audit would be ready from 114 00:04:14,787 --> 00:04:17,930 the Defense Department by 2027 . Now 115 00:04:17,930 --> 00:04:21,930 we're hearing the goal is 2028 116 00:04:21,940 --> 00:04:24,680 and I want to know how we justify these 117 00:04:24,690 --> 00:04:27,270 increases in spending poured into the 118 00:04:27,280 --> 00:04:30,190 financial system that cannot pass an 119 00:04:30,190 --> 00:04:33,450 audit or that won't conduct an audit uh 120 00:04:33,460 --> 00:04:36,260 per required by law . Secondly , I 121 00:04:36,260 --> 00:04:38,427 would like to just ask you with regard 122 00:04:38,427 --> 00:04:40,580 to 2000 and 16 study by the Defense 123 00:04:40,580 --> 00:04:43,470 Business Board , which identified 100 124 00:04:43,470 --> 00:04:46,300 and 25 billion in administrative waste 125 00:04:46,300 --> 00:04:48,650 at the pentagon . The report was then 126 00:04:48,650 --> 00:04:51,110 shelf and I wanted to find out and ask 127 00:04:51,110 --> 00:04:53,221 you , do you intend to revisit any of 128 00:04:53,221 --> 00:04:55,388 the findings of this study to look for 129 00:04:55,388 --> 00:04:57,610 savings ? And do you plan to make these 130 00:04:57,610 --> 00:05:00,010 public ? And finally , let me just ask 131 00:05:00,010 --> 00:05:01,899 you this . Now , we know that the 132 00:05:01,899 --> 00:05:04,066 department continues to over pay . The 133 00:05:04,066 --> 00:05:06,121 spare parts passed over charges have 134 00:05:06,121 --> 00:05:09,960 included $2,286 for landing gear that 135 00:05:09,960 --> 00:05:13,360 should have cost $10 , Paying $71 for a 136 00:05:13,360 --> 00:05:15,582 pen . That should have cost less than a 137 00:05:15,582 --> 00:05:19,450 nickel and paying $8,124 138 00:05:19,460 --> 00:05:21,680 for a bevel gear . That should have 139 00:05:21,680 --> 00:05:25,660 cost $445 . All of this was 140 00:05:25,670 --> 00:05:29,050 during the previous administrations of 141 00:05:29,340 --> 00:05:31,610 the department tried to prevent on . I 142 00:05:31,610 --> 00:05:33,610 know under the Obama administration 143 00:05:33,610 --> 00:05:35,777 tried to prevent these overcharges and 144 00:05:35,777 --> 00:05:37,999 seeking a revision to the definition of 145 00:05:37,999 --> 00:05:39,832 commercial terms . So if there's 146 00:05:39,832 --> 00:05:41,999 something that you consider submitting 147 00:05:41,999 --> 00:05:43,777 and supporting again to prevent 148 00:05:43,777 --> 00:05:45,943 taxpayer , quite frankly ripoffs . And 149 00:05:45,943 --> 00:05:47,832 there again , we're talking about 150 00:05:47,832 --> 00:05:49,999 savings as it relates to waste , fraud 151 00:05:49,999 --> 00:05:49,660 and abuse . 152 00:05:54,640 --> 00:05:56,807 Thank you . Let me let me address your 153 00:05:56,807 --> 00:05:59,029 three questions in order on the audit . 154 00:05:59,029 --> 00:06:02,780 Um Shortly before I was confirmed , I 155 00:06:02,780 --> 00:06:04,830 believe the senior career officials 156 00:06:04,830 --> 00:06:06,663 testified before the House Armed 157 00:06:06,663 --> 00:06:08,886 Services Committee with the date of the 158 00:06:08,886 --> 00:06:11,320 2027 date that you mentioned . I've not 159 00:06:11,320 --> 00:06:13,542 had a chance in my brief time in office 160 00:06:13,542 --> 00:06:16,270 here to confer with them and understand 161 00:06:16,270 --> 00:06:18,103 the rationale for those days and 162 00:06:18,103 --> 00:06:20,270 whether I think it's just whether it's 163 00:06:20,270 --> 00:06:22,437 accurate , whether it could be fast or 164 00:06:22,437 --> 00:06:24,603 whether it would be slower , so I need 165 00:06:24,603 --> 00:06:26,659 to get back to work with my team and 166 00:06:26,659 --> 00:06:26,280 then get back to the Congress on 167 00:06:26,280 --> 00:06:28,391 whether or not there should be , that 168 00:06:28,391 --> 00:06:30,613 date should be reassessed . I certainly 169 00:06:30,613 --> 00:06:33,110 understand the under you know , the 170 00:06:33,120 --> 00:06:35,410 frustration . The department has given 171 00:06:35,410 --> 00:06:37,630 our scope and our size has had such a 172 00:06:37,630 --> 00:06:39,741 struggle with this issue , but we are 173 00:06:39,741 --> 00:06:41,797 committed to getting it right on the 174 00:06:41,797 --> 00:06:43,797 Defense Business Board study . I am 175 00:06:43,797 --> 00:06:45,852 familiar with that . I believe we're 176 00:06:45,852 --> 00:06:47,797 talking about the same study . The 177 00:06:47,797 --> 00:06:49,963 problem that the department had at the 178 00:06:49,963 --> 00:06:52,130 time with it was it was such a generic 179 00:06:52,130 --> 00:06:54,241 level that you should be able to save 180 00:06:54,241 --> 00:06:56,463 money on functions like human resources 181 00:06:56,463 --> 00:06:58,630 and information technology without any 182 00:06:58,630 --> 00:07:00,741 specific actionable recommendations I 183 00:07:00,741 --> 00:07:02,741 think is the reason that the deputy 184 00:07:02,741 --> 00:07:04,963 secretary work at the time felt that it 185 00:07:04,963 --> 00:07:07,074 was not a useful report for us . That 186 00:07:07,074 --> 00:07:09,241 doesn't mean that we're not looking at 187 00:07:09,241 --> 00:07:11,186 the individual aspects of that for 188 00:07:11,186 --> 00:07:13,297 savings . Of course we are finally on 189 00:07:13,297 --> 00:07:15,463 the spare parts defense contract audit 190 00:07:15,463 --> 00:07:18,730 agency which which reports to me has a 191 00:07:18,730 --> 00:07:20,830 particular mission to focus on non 192 00:07:20,830 --> 00:07:22,886 commercial items . You know , on the 193 00:07:22,886 --> 00:07:24,941 more military unique things . That's 194 00:07:24,941 --> 00:07:27,163 where the defense contract audit agency 195 00:07:27,163 --> 00:07:28,886 focus goes , if something is a 196 00:07:28,886 --> 00:07:31,052 commercial item that's that's a that's 197 00:07:31,052 --> 00:07:32,830 a different challenge for us if 198 00:07:32,830 --> 00:07:35,052 something was maybe mischaracterized or 199 00:07:35,052 --> 00:07:36,719 or was improperly priced as a 200 00:07:36,719 --> 00:07:38,830 commercial item . But we focus on the 201 00:07:38,830 --> 00:07:40,830 on the higher value military unique 202 00:07:40,830 --> 00:07:42,941 contracts . That's our first priority 203 00:07:42,941 --> 00:07:45,108 in terms of contract starting for fair 204 00:07:45,108 --> 00:07:47,810 pricing . Okay . Thanks . Mr . Under 205 00:07:47,810 --> 00:07:50,190 secretary . And I just wanted to close 206 00:07:50,190 --> 00:07:53,750 by saying that we uh know that uh it's 207 00:07:53,750 --> 00:07:55,972 unfortunate that the pentagon has never 208 00:07:55,972 --> 00:07:57,917 been able to not only put forth an 209 00:07:57,917 --> 00:08:01,230 arctic but passing on it . The dollars , 210 00:08:01,240 --> 00:08:03,184 the billions of dollars in waste , 211 00:08:03,184 --> 00:08:05,018 fraud and abuse are very clear . 212 00:08:05,018 --> 00:08:06,796 They've been documented by very 213 00:08:06,796 --> 00:08:10,460 credible organizations which which no 214 00:08:10,740 --> 00:08:13,580 and and follow defense spending . And 215 00:08:13,580 --> 00:08:16,030 so for those who think that reasonable 216 00:08:16,030 --> 00:08:19,550 reductions in defense spending are just 217 00:08:19,560 --> 00:08:21,782 considerations of the far left . I want 218 00:08:21,782 --> 00:08:24,110 you to know that there are billions of 219 00:08:24,110 --> 00:08:26,221 dollars in place , fraud and abuse in 220 00:08:26,221 --> 00:08:28,590 the pentagon which definitely could be 221 00:08:28,600 --> 00:08:31,860 um position or reprogrammed or our 222 00:08:31,860 --> 00:08:35,490 troops and and for other areas in terms 223 00:08:35,490 --> 00:08:37,657 of domestic spending that this country 224 00:08:37,657 --> 00:08:39,712 desperately needs . And so thank you 225 00:08:39,712 --> 00:08:41,768 again very much for your responses . 226 00:08:41,768 --> 00:08:45,050 Gentlewoman's time has expired . I now 227 00:08:45,050 --> 00:08:47,217 recognize the gentleman from Georgia . 228 00:08:47,217 --> 00:08:49,383 Mr carter for five minutes . Thank you 229 00:08:49,383 --> 00:08:51,494 Mr Chairman and thank both of you for 230 00:08:51,494 --> 00:08:53,606 being here . This extremely important 231 00:08:53,606 --> 00:08:55,494 discussion and we appreciate your 232 00:08:55,494 --> 00:08:57,383 participation . Gentlemen , Colin 233 00:08:57,383 --> 00:08:59,439 Powell has said the military was the 234 00:08:59,439 --> 00:09:01,661 only institution in America where and I 235 00:09:01,661 --> 00:09:03,883 quote , the only thing that counted was 236 00:09:03,883 --> 00:09:06,050 courage , where the color of your guts 237 00:09:06,050 --> 00:09:08,106 and the color of your blood was more 238 00:09:08,106 --> 00:09:10,328 important than the color of your skin . 239 00:09:10,328 --> 00:09:12,240 And quote with that in mind . Do 240 00:09:12,240 --> 00:09:14,420 teachings like critical race theory 241 00:09:14,420 --> 00:09:17,820 that is incredibly divisive and and 242 00:09:17,820 --> 00:09:20,830 proposed . And I quote again , the only 243 00:09:20,830 --> 00:09:23,830 remedy to pass discrimination is 244 00:09:23,830 --> 00:09:25,790 present discrimination . The only 245 00:09:25,790 --> 00:09:28,440 remedy to present discrimination is 246 00:09:28,440 --> 00:09:31,720 future discrimination . Unquote . Look , 247 00:09:31,720 --> 00:09:33,990 I'm all for reading and considering 248 00:09:34,000 --> 00:09:36,260 opposing views and I think we all agree 249 00:09:36,260 --> 00:09:38,690 with that , as the Chairman of the 250 00:09:38,690 --> 00:09:41,340 Joint Chiefs has said , But this is 251 00:09:41,340 --> 00:09:43,118 intentionally divisive . And my 252 00:09:43,118 --> 00:09:45,230 question Mr . Under Secretary for You 253 00:09:45,230 --> 00:09:48,760 is how do you expect a soldier or a 254 00:09:48,760 --> 00:09:51,230 sailor to fight for this country when 255 00:09:51,230 --> 00:09:53,260 they're being taught that it's not 256 00:09:53,260 --> 00:09:56,970 worth fighting for ? Thank you . 257 00:09:56,980 --> 00:09:59,202 It's not my my understanding is that we 258 00:09:59,202 --> 00:10:01,313 are not teaching people critical race 259 00:10:01,313 --> 00:10:03,570 theory . Were not as you describe 260 00:10:03,580 --> 00:10:05,691 things are being , you know , offered 261 00:10:05,691 --> 00:10:07,910 up to consider but not being not being 262 00:10:07,910 --> 00:10:09,577 imposed on people as official 263 00:10:09,577 --> 00:10:11,632 department policy to think a certain 264 00:10:11,632 --> 00:10:13,854 way . Are we funding that in any way at 265 00:10:13,854 --> 00:10:15,910 all ? Nothing I'm aware of . It's my 266 00:10:15,910 --> 00:10:17,521 understanding that this is a 267 00:10:17,521 --> 00:10:19,577 recommended reading is and it's even 268 00:10:19,577 --> 00:10:21,688 being taught in some classes and some 269 00:10:21,688 --> 00:10:23,670 of our institutions , some of our 270 00:10:23,670 --> 00:10:25,614 military institutions . It's quite 271 00:10:25,614 --> 00:10:27,781 possible that the books are on reading 272 00:10:27,781 --> 00:10:29,948 list . Yes , that doesn't mean that we 273 00:10:29,948 --> 00:10:32,170 are that it's department policy to make 274 00:10:32,170 --> 00:10:34,003 people believe a certain way . I 275 00:10:34,003 --> 00:10:35,892 understand that . But is it being 276 00:10:35,892 --> 00:10:38,114 taught ? That's my question . And is it 277 00:10:38,114 --> 00:10:41,230 being financed to be taught ? I would 278 00:10:41,230 --> 00:10:43,397 have to get back to you for the record 279 00:10:43,397 --> 00:10:45,620 of what's being . I'm not in charge on 280 00:10:45,620 --> 00:10:47,620 the record for that . Certainly , I 281 00:10:47,620 --> 00:10:51,100 appreciate that very much . If indeed 282 00:10:51,120 --> 00:10:53,400 Mr under secretary , this is the case . 283 00:10:53,410 --> 00:10:55,632 How is this ? How would that affect our 284 00:10:55,632 --> 00:10:57,799 future recruitment of an all volunteer 285 00:10:57,799 --> 00:11:00,760 force ? If if this teaches if this type 286 00:11:00,760 --> 00:11:02,982 of teaching and to our Children to hate 287 00:11:02,982 --> 00:11:05,204 America and it's not worth fighting for 288 00:11:05,204 --> 00:11:07,427 what the impact do you think that would 289 00:11:07,427 --> 00:11:10,580 have ? I'm sorry you asking about if if 290 00:11:10,580 --> 00:11:12,691 it's taught in the military , if it's 291 00:11:12,691 --> 00:11:14,858 if it's taught , if this is if this is 292 00:11:14,858 --> 00:11:16,580 the type of reading that we're 293 00:11:16,580 --> 00:11:18,802 recommending that our that our military 294 00:11:18,802 --> 00:11:21,024 is recommending if this is being talked 295 00:11:21,024 --> 00:11:23,136 and you're going to find out , you're 296 00:11:23,136 --> 00:11:25,413 going to respond to me in writing this . 297 00:11:25,413 --> 00:11:27,580 If it is or if it isn't . But if it is 298 00:11:27,580 --> 00:11:29,747 being taught , do you think this would 299 00:11:29,747 --> 00:11:31,747 have an impact on us trying to , to 300 00:11:31,747 --> 00:11:34,620 recruit future volunteers ? I believe 301 00:11:34,620 --> 00:11:36,787 that Secretary Austin's priority is to 302 00:11:36,787 --> 00:11:38,953 make sure that the forest is inclusive 303 00:11:38,953 --> 00:11:41,064 and that the leadership of the forest 304 00:11:41,064 --> 00:11:43,176 reflects the diversity that's already 305 00:11:43,176 --> 00:11:45,231 in the force . So I think that we're 306 00:11:45,231 --> 00:11:47,398 actually moving in a good direction on 307 00:11:47,398 --> 00:11:49,564 this . I don't , I don't know that the 308 00:11:49,564 --> 00:11:48,820 issue you're describing will move the 309 00:11:48,820 --> 00:11:50,820 needle one way or the other one who 310 00:11:50,820 --> 00:11:52,820 chooses to join the forest . It's a 311 00:11:52,820 --> 00:11:54,487 complex issue . As you know , 312 00:11:54,487 --> 00:11:56,598 recruiting , recruiting and retention 313 00:11:56,598 --> 00:11:58,653 is a specialist field and we compete 314 00:11:58,653 --> 00:12:00,709 with private sector . We compete the 315 00:12:00,709 --> 00:12:02,820 services compete with each other . So 316 00:12:02,820 --> 00:12:02,500 it's certainly a complex challenge . We 317 00:12:02,500 --> 00:12:04,500 certainly should be concerned about 318 00:12:04,500 --> 00:12:06,510 what's being taught in our military 319 00:12:06,510 --> 00:12:08,720 institutions and what is being taught 320 00:12:08,720 --> 00:12:10,960 in our our military and what is being 321 00:12:10,960 --> 00:12:13,016 recommended for them to read ? Would 322 00:12:13,016 --> 00:12:15,071 you agree with that if recruiting as 323 00:12:15,071 --> 00:12:17,182 you indicated ? So , very important . 324 00:12:17,540 --> 00:12:19,429 Again , I don't I don't know that 325 00:12:19,429 --> 00:12:21,484 what's being taught at West Point or 326 00:12:21,484 --> 00:12:23,651 some other places . But my question is 327 00:12:23,651 --> 00:12:25,818 this issue . My question is , wouldn't 328 00:12:25,818 --> 00:12:28,370 it be important for us to make sure 329 00:12:28,380 --> 00:12:31,650 that we're not including things such as 330 00:12:31,650 --> 00:12:33,740 this and are recommended reading ? 331 00:12:33,840 --> 00:12:36,580 Wouldn't it be very important for us in 332 00:12:36,580 --> 00:12:39,310 the future violent and in the future 333 00:12:39,310 --> 00:12:41,477 recruitment of volunteers to make sure 334 00:12:41,477 --> 00:12:43,532 that we're making it clear that this 335 00:12:43,532 --> 00:12:45,699 country is worth fighting for and that 336 00:12:45,699 --> 00:12:48,390 we're not indeed proposing divisive 337 00:12:48,400 --> 00:12:50,660 material like critical race theory . 338 00:12:52,920 --> 00:12:55,142 I certainly agree this country is worth 339 00:12:55,142 --> 00:12:57,198 fighting for and I don't believe the 340 00:12:57,198 --> 00:12:59,309 department teaches otherwise . Okay , 341 00:13:00,340 --> 00:13:02,562 It's my understanding that according to 342 00:13:02,562 --> 00:13:04,570 a September 2020 memo , executive 343 00:13:04,570 --> 00:13:06,570 agency spent millions of dollars on 344 00:13:06,570 --> 00:13:08,710 training , claim that there is racism 345 00:13:08,720 --> 00:13:10,887 embedded in the belief that America is 346 00:13:10,887 --> 00:13:13,053 the land of opportunity or belief that 347 00:13:13,053 --> 00:13:14,887 the most qualified person should 348 00:13:14,887 --> 00:13:17,109 receive a job and other tenants of what 349 00:13:17,109 --> 00:13:19,220 is known as critical race theory . Do 350 00:13:19,220 --> 00:13:21,490 you know how much the Department of 351 00:13:21,490 --> 00:13:23,379 Defense has spent on this type of 352 00:13:23,379 --> 00:13:25,268 teaching or if they have it all , 353 00:13:27,240 --> 00:13:29,462 I would have to get back to you for the 354 00:13:29,462 --> 00:13:31,684 record on whether there is , you know , 355 00:13:31,684 --> 00:13:33,940 on on particular caused a particular 356 00:13:33,940 --> 00:13:37,500 type of training or reading . Okay . I 357 00:13:37,500 --> 00:13:40,980 appreciate your willingness to get back 358 00:13:40,980 --> 00:13:42,813 with me Mr . Under secretary . I 359 00:13:42,813 --> 00:13:44,924 appreciate your willingness to answer 360 00:13:44,924 --> 00:13:46,869 these questions . I look forward , 361 00:13:46,869 --> 00:13:48,758 great anticipation , your written 362 00:13:48,758 --> 00:13:50,924 response to this . Thank you sir . And 363 00:13:50,924 --> 00:13:52,758 I go back . Gentleman's time has 364 00:13:52,758 --> 00:13:54,424 expired and now recognize the 365 00:13:54,424 --> 00:13:56,480 gentlewoman from California Miss Chu 366 00:13:56,480 --> 00:13:59,400 for five minutes Under Secretary Under 367 00:13:59,400 --> 00:14:01,511 Secretary McCord . I'm concerned that 368 00:14:01,511 --> 00:14:04,740 in the 150 page overview of the Defense 369 00:14:04,740 --> 00:14:07,710 Budget for Fiscal Year 22 , the word 370 00:14:07,710 --> 00:14:10,460 hazing does not appear anywhere . This 371 00:14:10,460 --> 00:14:12,349 is troubling because we know that 372 00:14:12,349 --> 00:14:14,571 hazing has been a persistent problem in 373 00:14:14,571 --> 00:14:17,370 the ranks , which I know firsthand . In 374 00:14:17,370 --> 00:14:20,790 2011 my nephew , marine lance corporal 375 00:14:20,790 --> 00:14:23,180 Harry Lew was a victim of hazing while 376 00:14:23,180 --> 00:14:25,960 stationed in Afghanistan under the 377 00:14:25,960 --> 00:14:28,150 guise of corrective action . Other 378 00:14:28,150 --> 00:14:30,039 marines kicked punched and nearly 379 00:14:30,039 --> 00:14:31,983 smothered him with Sanford several 380 00:14:31,983 --> 00:14:35,280 hours until he took his own life . At 381 00:14:35,280 --> 00:14:37,113 the same time this happened army 382 00:14:37,113 --> 00:14:39,960 private Danny Chen was subject to weeks 383 00:14:39,960 --> 00:14:42,120 of abuse from his superiors who 384 00:14:42,120 --> 00:14:44,950 tortured him with physical abuse while 385 00:14:44,950 --> 00:14:47,720 yelling racial slurs and insults such 386 00:14:47,720 --> 00:14:50,650 as google and dragon Lady . He took his 387 00:14:50,650 --> 00:14:53,680 own life after Henry's death . I heard 388 00:14:53,680 --> 00:14:55,624 from countless service members and 389 00:14:55,624 --> 00:14:57,513 their families who reached out to 390 00:14:57,513 --> 00:14:59,840 describe truly terrible acts of hazing . 391 00:14:59,850 --> 00:15:02,730 Also was able to get amendments in the 392 00:15:02,740 --> 00:15:05,580 NBA for everything from G . A . O . 393 00:15:05,580 --> 00:15:08,310 Reports to directives for tracking and 394 00:15:08,310 --> 00:15:10,840 prevention measures of hazing . But 395 00:15:10,840 --> 00:15:13,170 still despite these directives , little 396 00:15:13,170 --> 00:15:16,410 progress has been made . From fiscal 397 00:15:16,410 --> 00:15:20,390 year 2018 to 2020 . The Army , Navy 398 00:15:20,390 --> 00:15:22,223 and Air Force have not shown any 399 00:15:22,223 --> 00:15:24,490 improvements at tracking incidents . 400 00:15:24,500 --> 00:15:26,900 The vast majority of reported and 401 00:15:26,900 --> 00:15:29,450 substantiated hazing incidents have 402 00:15:29,450 --> 00:15:31,880 been reported by the Marine Corps each 403 00:15:31,880 --> 00:15:34,500 year . While the Marines have at least 404 00:15:34,500 --> 00:15:36,840 a system in place to report and track 405 00:15:36,840 --> 00:15:39,062 these incidents , it's clear that other 406 00:15:39,062 --> 00:15:42,040 branches have not followed suit . And 407 00:15:42,040 --> 00:15:44,710 of course hazing is not 50 times more 408 00:15:44,710 --> 00:15:47,070 prevalent in the Marines , which is the 409 00:15:47,070 --> 00:15:49,730 smallest service branch than in the 410 00:15:49,730 --> 00:15:52,420 army , which is the largest . The 411 00:15:52,420 --> 00:15:54,860 problem instead is that up until now , 412 00:15:54,870 --> 00:15:56,870 there hasn't been urgency or 413 00:15:56,870 --> 00:15:59,050 accountability when it comes to 414 00:15:59,050 --> 00:16:02,590 addressing racism and hazing . So could 415 00:16:02,590 --> 00:16:04,757 you please talk about the resources in 416 00:16:04,757 --> 00:16:07,600 this budget request that will be used 417 00:16:07,600 --> 00:16:09,960 to address racism and military hazing 418 00:16:10,340 --> 00:16:12,118 And talk more broadly about how 419 00:16:12,118 --> 00:16:14,173 fighting racism and hazing fits into 420 00:16:14,173 --> 00:16:16,730 the department's strategy in fiscal 421 00:16:16,730 --> 00:16:18,350 year 2022 . 422 00:16:20,240 --> 00:16:22,540 Uh , first thing I would say 423 00:16:22,540 --> 00:16:24,590 congresswoman and I'm certainly on 424 00:16:24,590 --> 00:16:26,646 behalf of the department , sorry for 425 00:16:26,646 --> 00:16:28,590 the loss of in your family of your 426 00:16:28,590 --> 00:16:30,701 nephew . I understand you have spoken 427 00:16:30,701 --> 00:16:32,868 to the deputy secretary directly about 428 00:16:32,868 --> 00:16:34,979 about that case and about our efforts 429 00:16:34,979 --> 00:16:36,868 in this area . Secretary Austin , 430 00:16:36,868 --> 00:16:39,090 taking care of the people is one of his 431 00:16:39,090 --> 00:16:41,146 core tenants and I think everyone is 432 00:16:41,146 --> 00:16:43,312 aware that he has made a big effort to 433 00:16:43,312 --> 00:16:45,590 address diversity equity and inclusion . 434 00:16:45,590 --> 00:16:47,701 And then he has a separate task force 435 00:16:47,701 --> 00:16:50,760 on on sexual assault . Mm 436 00:16:51,940 --> 00:16:54,190 suicide in hazing are part of this 437 00:16:54,190 --> 00:16:56,134 larger effort . They don't get the 438 00:16:56,134 --> 00:16:58,134 publicity . I think that the sexual 439 00:16:58,134 --> 00:17:00,301 assault which is kind of dominated the 440 00:17:00,301 --> 00:17:02,134 headlines , especially after the 441 00:17:02,134 --> 00:17:04,190 secretary's recent statement . But I 442 00:17:04,190 --> 00:17:06,246 know it is part of it is part of the 443 00:17:06,246 --> 00:17:08,079 effort at large in the personnel 444 00:17:08,079 --> 00:17:10,079 community , uh , as the CFO I don't 445 00:17:10,079 --> 00:17:12,134 have direct involvement in in in the 446 00:17:12,134 --> 00:17:14,246 training or setting up the programs , 447 00:17:14,246 --> 00:17:16,468 but I can certainly get any information 448 00:17:16,468 --> 00:17:18,523 for you for the record that you that 449 00:17:18,523 --> 00:17:22,270 you need . Thank you for 450 00:17:22,270 --> 00:17:25,630 that . Um , and under Secretary McCord , 451 00:17:25,640 --> 00:17:27,751 I see that throughout the budget that 452 00:17:27,751 --> 00:17:29,640 the administration is turning our 453 00:17:29,640 --> 00:17:31,680 national security focus towards 454 00:17:31,680 --> 00:17:34,240 countering china . I understand the 455 00:17:34,240 --> 00:17:36,296 necessity of protecting our national 456 00:17:36,296 --> 00:17:38,351 security . But I also want to ensure 457 00:17:38,351 --> 00:17:40,184 that the rights and liberties of 458 00:17:40,184 --> 00:17:42,296 chinese americans are protected . The 459 00:17:42,296 --> 00:17:44,518 trump administration launched the china 460 00:17:44,518 --> 00:17:46,740 initiative that put immense pressure on 461 00:17:46,740 --> 00:17:48,962 the Department of Defense to scrutinize 462 00:17:48,962 --> 00:17:51,184 and target asian americans , especially 463 00:17:51,184 --> 00:17:53,790 those of chinese descent based solely 464 00:17:53,790 --> 00:17:55,800 on their ethnicity , which has had 465 00:17:55,800 --> 00:17:57,720 numerous consequences , including 466 00:17:57,720 --> 00:18:00,410 having security clearances denied or 467 00:18:00,410 --> 00:18:04,110 revoked . In one instance , a 61 year 468 00:18:04,110 --> 00:18:06,310 old founder of a machinery design 469 00:18:06,310 --> 00:18:08,790 company sought a security clearance to 470 00:18:08,790 --> 00:18:11,030 work on defense contracts . He 471 00:18:11,030 --> 00:18:13,830 immigrated to the us in 1985 , earned a 472 00:18:13,830 --> 00:18:16,740 doctorate degree And became a citizen , 473 00:18:16,740 --> 00:18:18,684 had two daughters born in the us . 474 00:18:18,684 --> 00:18:20,851 However , because he was sending money 475 00:18:20,851 --> 00:18:22,907 to his 90 year old father in China , 476 00:18:22,907 --> 00:18:25,129 his clearance was denied and his appeal 477 00:18:25,129 --> 00:18:27,351 was denied despite the fact that he was 478 00:18:27,351 --> 00:18:29,073 never approached for sensitive 479 00:18:29,073 --> 00:18:31,407 information from the Chinese government . 480 00:18:31,407 --> 00:18:33,296 So as we view this budget and see 481 00:18:33,296 --> 00:18:35,407 proposals to counter the influence of 482 00:18:35,407 --> 00:18:37,629 china . Can you speak broadly about the 483 00:18:37,629 --> 00:18:39,573 importance of protecting the civil 484 00:18:39,573 --> 00:18:41,796 liberties of american citizens of asian 485 00:18:41,796 --> 00:18:43,518 and chinese descent while also 486 00:18:43,518 --> 00:18:45,684 protecting american national interests 487 00:18:46,340 --> 00:18:48,396 congressman . I would agree with you 488 00:18:48,396 --> 00:18:52,160 that central to what America is about 489 00:18:52,160 --> 00:18:54,216 is equal treatment under the law and 490 00:18:54,216 --> 00:18:56,382 equal treatment of people whether they 491 00:18:56,382 --> 00:18:58,604 are our employees most especially , but 492 00:18:58,604 --> 00:19:00,493 also our contractors , contractor 493 00:19:00,493 --> 00:19:02,660 partners . So I would agree with you . 494 00:19:02,660 --> 00:19:04,716 It is important that we do . We give 495 00:19:04,716 --> 00:19:04,240 people equal treatment and equal 496 00:19:04,240 --> 00:19:06,820 justice regardless of their of their 497 00:19:06,820 --> 00:19:10,340 race or ethnicity . Gentleman's 498 00:19:10,340 --> 00:19:12,562 time . Gentleman's time has expired now 499 00:19:12,562 --> 00:19:14,830 recognize the gentlewoman from Colorado 500 00:19:14,840 --> 00:19:17,120 Miss Probert for five minutes . Thank 501 00:19:17,120 --> 00:19:19,231 you Mr Chairman and thank you ranking 502 00:19:19,231 --> 00:19:21,342 member . Jason smith for holding this 503 00:19:21,342 --> 00:19:24,050 hearing . Thank you madam . Vice 504 00:19:24,060 --> 00:19:26,690 Admiral uh box all and under Secretary 505 00:19:26,690 --> 00:19:28,720 McCord for serving our country and 506 00:19:28,720 --> 00:19:31,240 taking time today to talk about the 507 00:19:31,240 --> 00:19:33,660 biden administration's defense proposal . 508 00:19:34,040 --> 00:19:36,910 The biden agenda spends big on 509 00:19:36,910 --> 00:19:39,740 everything except our national defense . 510 00:19:39,780 --> 00:19:43,150 In our ranking members opening remarks 511 00:19:43,160 --> 00:19:45,271 he mentioned that this administration 512 00:19:45,271 --> 00:19:48,190 seeks to defund our military to fund 513 00:19:48,190 --> 00:19:50,800 our police , which weakens our safety , 514 00:19:50,800 --> 00:19:54,270 our security and emboldens our enemies . 515 00:19:55,040 --> 00:19:57,207 Whether this is at our southern border 516 00:19:57,207 --> 00:19:59,151 or to support our men and women in 517 00:19:59,151 --> 00:20:02,980 uniform , biden's budget is light under 518 00:20:02,980 --> 00:20:05,036 biden's budget . Defense spending is 519 00:20:05,036 --> 00:20:07,230 essentially flatlined . Biden's budget 520 00:20:07,230 --> 00:20:09,180 would spend more on non defense , 521 00:20:09,180 --> 00:20:11,400 discretionary spending than defense , 522 00:20:11,410 --> 00:20:13,540 discretionary spending . This 523 00:20:13,540 --> 00:20:15,700 administration states that climate 524 00:20:15,700 --> 00:20:19,420 change is the biggest threat to our 525 00:20:19,430 --> 00:20:22,770 national security . I disagree . 526 00:20:23,340 --> 00:20:25,320 I would argue biden's budget is a 527 00:20:25,320 --> 00:20:27,653 greater threat to our national security . 528 00:20:27,653 --> 00:20:29,580 It distracts from real national 529 00:20:29,580 --> 00:20:32,950 security threats like china Russia and 530 00:20:32,960 --> 00:20:35,450 the southern border being wide open to 531 00:20:35,450 --> 00:20:37,561 folks from all over the world pouring 532 00:20:37,561 --> 00:20:40,050 into our country illegally . Instead , 533 00:20:40,540 --> 00:20:42,890 this budget prioritizes a radical 534 00:20:42,890 --> 00:20:45,470 agenda through increasing funding for 535 00:20:45,470 --> 00:20:47,920 pandemic preparedness , climate change , 536 00:20:47,920 --> 00:20:50,340 adaption and bringing critical race 537 00:20:50,340 --> 00:20:53,650 theory ideologies into our 538 00:20:53,650 --> 00:20:57,380 military . Mr . Chairman , I ask 539 00:20:57,380 --> 00:21:00,870 unanimous consent to submit a 540 00:21:00,870 --> 00:21:03,520 report by General Ed Apart and 541 00:21:03,520 --> 00:21:06,260 Lieutenant General Ed Anderson on the 542 00:21:06,260 --> 00:21:08,260 discussion to move US Space Command 543 00:21:08,260 --> 00:21:10,371 into the record . Without objection . 544 00:21:10,371 --> 00:21:12,530 Thank you . Admiral . Thank you for 545 00:21:12,530 --> 00:21:15,160 being here today . Keeping in mind the 546 00:21:15,160 --> 00:21:17,271 constant the context that I just laid 547 00:21:17,271 --> 00:21:20,250 out . I want to now turn to a study by 548 00:21:20,250 --> 00:21:22,417 a retired commander of Air Force Space 549 00:21:22,417 --> 00:21:25,790 Command and NORAD , North Calm and a 550 00:21:25,800 --> 00:21:28,100 retired lieutenant general . This study 551 00:21:28,100 --> 00:21:30,720 says that the decision to move the U . 552 00:21:30,720 --> 00:21:33,040 S . Space Command from colorado Springs 553 00:21:33,040 --> 00:21:36,130 colorado to Huntsville Alabama lacked 554 00:21:36,140 --> 00:21:39,840 evidence that cost was a priority . It 555 00:21:39,840 --> 00:21:42,040 says that leaving the Space Command in 556 00:21:42,040 --> 00:21:45,850 colorado will save taxpayers More than 557 00:21:45,850 --> 00:21:49,130 $1.2 billion dollars and get the 558 00:21:49,130 --> 00:21:52,560 command two full mission capability 559 00:21:52,570 --> 00:21:55,530 seven years faster . Those numbers 560 00:21:55,530 --> 00:21:58,050 don't even include the cost building . 561 00:21:58,050 --> 00:22:01,550 Survivable communications in Alabama or 562 00:22:01,560 --> 00:22:04,320 incentivizing civilians to move there . 563 00:22:04,330 --> 00:22:06,552 Given that the biden administration did 564 00:22:06,552 --> 00:22:08,552 not see fit to increase the defense 565 00:22:08,552 --> 00:22:10,860 budget at the rate of inflation , Why 566 00:22:10,860 --> 00:22:13,460 would we waste $1.2 billion dollars on 567 00:22:13,460 --> 00:22:15,480 a project that will delay mission 568 00:22:15,480 --> 00:22:17,650 capability seven years and the newest 569 00:22:17,650 --> 00:22:20,560 war fighting domain of space . 570 00:22:22,140 --> 00:22:24,307 Thank you , congresswoman . I have not 571 00:22:24,307 --> 00:22:26,340 read that study . I don't know the 572 00:22:26,340 --> 00:22:28,562 details of it or how those numbers were 573 00:22:28,562 --> 00:22:30,562 calculated . Uh , what I do know is 574 00:22:30,562 --> 00:22:32,396 that the Air Force is giving due 575 00:22:32,396 --> 00:22:34,562 diligence to the , to the question , I 576 00:22:34,562 --> 00:22:36,507 don't I don't know where it stands 577 00:22:36,507 --> 00:22:38,729 right now . I think it is . Uh , I have 578 00:22:38,729 --> 00:22:40,896 not been aware of any of those numbers 579 00:22:40,896 --> 00:22:40,260 that are used . So until I have that , 580 00:22:40,260 --> 00:22:42,371 I wouldn't be able to comment . Thank 581 00:22:42,371 --> 00:22:44,538 you , Admiral . Um , since the D . O . 582 00:22:44,538 --> 00:22:46,170 D . G . And G . O . Are both 583 00:22:46,170 --> 00:22:48,170 investigating the decisions to move 584 00:22:48,170 --> 00:22:50,170 space command will D . O . D . Also 585 00:22:50,170 --> 00:22:52,337 conduct a complete reassessment of the 586 00:22:52,337 --> 00:22:54,059 cost during this pause for the 587 00:22:54,059 --> 00:22:58,030 investigation . Again , 588 00:22:58,030 --> 00:23:00,030 I'm not familiar on the D . O . D . 589 00:23:00,030 --> 00:23:02,141 Proportionately , but I will say that 590 00:23:02,141 --> 00:23:04,252 cost is one aspect of there are a lot 591 00:23:04,252 --> 00:23:06,419 of things that go into those studies . 592 00:23:06,419 --> 00:23:08,252 Cost is certainly very important 593 00:23:08,252 --> 00:23:10,363 capabilities , critically important . 594 00:23:10,363 --> 00:23:12,363 So although I don't mean to cut you 595 00:23:12,363 --> 00:23:14,530 short , I'm sorry , my time is short . 596 00:23:14,530 --> 00:23:16,697 I do appreciate that . And I think the 597 00:23:16,697 --> 00:23:18,752 american people would be served by a 598 00:23:18,752 --> 00:23:20,974 best buy . A complete reassessment that 599 00:23:20,974 --> 00:23:23,141 includes costs and mission readiness . 600 00:23:23,141 --> 00:23:25,474 Um Now , with the time that I have left , 601 00:23:25,474 --> 00:23:27,419 I do want to turn to this budget's 602 00:23:27,419 --> 00:23:29,586 proposed increase for unconscious bias 603 00:23:29,586 --> 00:23:32,540 diversity training by $68 million . So 604 00:23:32,540 --> 00:23:35,120 there are taxpayer dollars going to 605 00:23:35,120 --> 00:23:38,860 this critical race theory based uh 606 00:23:39,540 --> 00:23:42,220 training . I have major concerns about 607 00:23:42,220 --> 00:23:44,850 spending taxpayer dollars to teach an 608 00:23:44,850 --> 00:23:47,072 ideology that undermines the principles 609 00:23:47,072 --> 00:23:48,961 of the constitution . Our service 610 00:23:48,961 --> 00:23:51,240 members have taken an oath to defend . 611 00:23:51,250 --> 00:23:53,470 I have written the Secretary of the 612 00:23:53,470 --> 00:23:56,980 Navy to stop attempts through task 613 00:23:56,980 --> 00:23:59,310 Force one navy to insert this ideology 614 00:23:59,310 --> 00:24:01,532 into training regime for sailors in the 615 00:24:01,532 --> 00:24:03,699 U . S . Navy . And I also wrote to the 616 00:24:03,699 --> 00:24:05,754 Secretary of the Air Force regarding 617 00:24:05,754 --> 00:24:08,000 the removal of Lieutenant Colonel Lomer 618 00:24:08,010 --> 00:24:11,080 from his command due to the developing 619 00:24:11,080 --> 00:24:13,247 politicized environment in the D . O . 620 00:24:13,247 --> 00:24:15,500 D . This indoctrination and mandatory 621 00:24:15,500 --> 00:24:18,270 trainings have been taken too far . 622 00:24:18,740 --> 00:24:22,000 Yeah , My time is up , Gentleman's time 623 00:24:22,000 --> 00:24:23,889 has expired and now recognize the 624 00:24:23,889 --> 00:24:26,167 gentlewoman from the US Virgin Islands , 625 00:24:26,167 --> 00:24:28,440 Miss Plaskett for five minutes . Thank 626 00:24:28,440 --> 00:24:30,662 you so much , Mr Chairman and thank you 627 00:24:30,662 --> 00:24:32,860 for the opportunity to question the 628 00:24:32,860 --> 00:24:35,360 witness and thank you under secretary 629 00:24:35,360 --> 00:24:37,410 for being with us uh , this this 630 00:24:37,410 --> 00:24:39,820 morning . Um , I wanted to ask you 631 00:24:39,820 --> 00:24:42,520 several questions . Uh , many of my 632 00:24:42,520 --> 00:24:44,550 colleagues on the other side of the 633 00:24:44,550 --> 00:24:46,770 aisle are criticizing this budget for 634 00:24:47,140 --> 00:24:49,590 For only providing a 635 00:24:49,590 --> 00:24:53,550 1.6% . I'm sorry . Is there someone 636 00:24:53,550 --> 00:24:55,360 else on the line off ? 637 00:24:59,170 --> 00:25:02,610 I don't believe so . I'm hearing 638 00:25:02,620 --> 00:25:06,560 okay , Providing a 1.6% increase for 639 00:25:06,560 --> 00:25:08,616 the military . But the Department of 640 00:25:08,616 --> 00:25:11,040 Defense is an enormous operation . I 641 00:25:11,040 --> 00:25:13,040 think it's important to look deeper 642 00:25:13,040 --> 00:25:15,262 than just the top line funding levels . 643 00:25:15,262 --> 00:25:17,262 For example , the budget requests a 644 00:25:17,262 --> 00:25:20,670 3.1% increase in military personnel , a 645 00:25:20,670 --> 00:25:23,430 5.2% increase for research and 646 00:25:23,430 --> 00:25:26,570 development and a 2.7% increase for 647 00:25:26,570 --> 00:25:29,290 military pay While decreasing 648 00:25:29,290 --> 00:25:33,110 procurement by 5.7% . Um , so my 649 00:25:33,110 --> 00:25:35,770 question is to our witness in your 650 00:25:35,770 --> 00:25:37,920 opinion , how should we review the 651 00:25:37,920 --> 00:25:40,087 adequacy of the department's request ? 652 00:25:40,087 --> 00:25:42,253 What do you hope when you look at when 653 00:25:42,253 --> 00:25:44,476 we determine the overall funding levels 654 00:25:44,476 --> 00:25:46,350 for defense ? Yeah , 655 00:25:49,440 --> 00:25:51,440 I know . I would speak for both the 656 00:25:51,440 --> 00:25:53,496 secretary and the deputy secretary . 657 00:25:53,496 --> 00:25:55,329 The most important thing for for 658 00:25:55,329 --> 00:25:57,162 congress to assess is what we're 659 00:25:57,162 --> 00:25:59,107 proposing the details . What we're 660 00:25:59,107 --> 00:25:58,790 proposing to spend the money on rather 661 00:25:58,790 --> 00:26:01,670 than what it has to do is on mute . 662 00:26:03,940 --> 00:26:05,829 I'm sorry . Can you not hear me ? 663 00:26:05,829 --> 00:26:06,829 Congresswoman 664 00:26:10,510 --> 00:26:12,566 this basket ? Are you able to hear ? 665 00:26:20,340 --> 00:26:23,700 Um Yeah , well , congresswoman I 666 00:26:23,700 --> 00:26:25,922 started to answer your question but I'm 667 00:26:25,922 --> 00:26:28,033 concerned you may not be able to hear 668 00:26:28,033 --> 00:26:30,200 me . We get it . We ought to pause for 669 00:26:30,200 --> 00:26:31,478 just a minute please . 670 00:26:40,940 --> 00:26:42,996 Yeah . Yeah . The hearing will be in 671 00:26:42,996 --> 00:26:44,662 recess until further notice . 672 00:26:48,740 --> 00:26:49,740 Yeah . 673 00:26:55,040 --> 00:26:57,900 Uh huh . This basket . Can you hear us 674 00:26:57,900 --> 00:27:01,800 now ? In the hearing room ? Yes , I can . 675 00:27:02,340 --> 00:27:04,990 Well then we will we will resume . The 676 00:27:04,990 --> 00:27:07,410 hearing hearing is now back in order 677 00:27:07,420 --> 00:27:11,070 and basket . You can continue 678 00:27:11,070 --> 00:27:15,060 your questioning . Thank you . I 679 00:27:15,060 --> 00:27:17,171 believe the witness was responding to 680 00:27:17,171 --> 00:27:20,500 my question as to how should members of 681 00:27:20,500 --> 00:27:22,760 this committee review the adequacy of 682 00:27:22,760 --> 00:27:24,927 the department's request And how would 683 00:27:24,927 --> 00:27:26,880 you hope we would then look to 684 00:27:26,880 --> 00:27:28,936 determine the overall funding levels 685 00:27:28,936 --> 00:27:29,770 for defense . 686 00:27:32,840 --> 00:27:35,062 Understanding that the Budget Committee 687 00:27:35,062 --> 00:27:37,229 has a somewhat different role than the 688 00:27:37,229 --> 00:27:37,010 Armed Services and appropriations 689 00:27:37,010 --> 00:27:39,121 Committee . Understand that you would 690 00:27:39,121 --> 00:27:41,288 look at the top line as part of your , 691 00:27:41,288 --> 00:27:43,121 part of your assessment here and 692 00:27:43,121 --> 00:27:45,121 possibly in comparison to the other 693 00:27:45,121 --> 00:27:45,060 priorities . I would point out just on 694 00:27:45,060 --> 00:27:48,010 that front that we have as we have , 695 00:27:48,020 --> 00:27:50,187 our discretionary request is basically 696 00:27:50,187 --> 00:27:52,464 equal to every other agencies combined . 697 00:27:52,464 --> 00:27:54,353 So I feel I feel like we have the 698 00:27:54,353 --> 00:27:56,520 resources that we need to do our job . 699 00:27:56,520 --> 00:27:58,520 I'm not concerned whether we have a 700 00:27:58,520 --> 00:27:58,460 little more or a little less than some 701 00:27:58,460 --> 00:28:00,970 other agency . But uh I understand 702 00:28:00,970 --> 00:28:03,137 that's part of the assessment you must 703 00:28:03,137 --> 00:28:05,359 make about whether you feel the balance 704 00:28:05,359 --> 00:28:07,470 is appropriate within our top line is 705 00:28:07,470 --> 00:28:09,692 where were we really feel like we would 706 00:28:09,692 --> 00:28:11,859 like the congress to focus as you look 707 00:28:11,859 --> 00:28:13,803 at what we're doing ? Do you think 708 00:28:13,803 --> 00:28:13,410 we're on the right path ? Do you think 709 00:28:13,410 --> 00:28:15,521 we're pursuing the right priorities ? 710 00:28:15,740 --> 00:28:18,440 If you believe , if you agree with us 711 00:28:18,440 --> 00:28:20,107 on the assessment of what the 712 00:28:20,107 --> 00:28:22,051 priorities are ? Such as concerned 713 00:28:22,051 --> 00:28:24,384 about the global competition with china . 714 00:28:24,384 --> 00:28:26,329 Do you think that our programs are 715 00:28:26,329 --> 00:28:28,496 moving us in that direction ? We think 716 00:28:28,496 --> 00:28:30,496 we have a good a good program and a 717 00:28:30,496 --> 00:28:30,370 good good story on that . But I think 718 00:28:30,370 --> 00:28:33,400 that's where the focus should be and I 719 00:28:33,400 --> 00:28:35,780 would echo that . We , we would hope 720 00:28:35,780 --> 00:28:37,891 that we look at that right balance of 721 00:28:37,891 --> 00:28:39,558 readiness , modernization and 722 00:28:39,558 --> 00:28:41,724 procurement . Uh , certainly those are 723 00:28:41,724 --> 00:28:43,947 the criteria that we use to measure the 724 00:28:43,947 --> 00:28:46,058 difficult choices that we had to make 725 00:28:46,058 --> 00:28:48,280 inside this or any budget . So we would 726 00:28:48,280 --> 00:28:50,336 hope that the committee would review 727 00:28:50,336 --> 00:28:52,336 that we got those parts of it right 728 00:28:52,336 --> 00:28:54,113 that we believe that we need to 729 00:28:54,113 --> 00:28:56,224 modernize the force we need to get to 730 00:28:56,224 --> 00:28:58,336 after more important capabilities and 731 00:28:58,336 --> 00:29:00,447 restore the readiness that we've kind 732 00:29:00,447 --> 00:29:02,280 of had issues with uh , that are 733 00:29:02,280 --> 00:29:01,800 continuing to improve . But we need to 734 00:29:01,810 --> 00:29:04,088 keep that going with personnel as well . 735 00:29:04,088 --> 00:29:07,360 Thank you . Thank you . And with that 736 00:29:07,360 --> 00:29:10,400 readiness and ensuring that our troops 737 00:29:10,410 --> 00:29:13,580 are in fact educated and mindful in the 738 00:29:13,580 --> 00:29:16,360 same way that you would teach them 739 00:29:16,370 --> 00:29:19,440 about the doctrine of communism or 740 00:29:19,440 --> 00:29:21,560 socialism or those individuals that 741 00:29:21,560 --> 00:29:23,560 were working against . You would in 742 00:29:23,560 --> 00:29:25,430 turn also teach them about those 743 00:29:25,430 --> 00:29:27,720 principles and support the american 744 00:29:27,720 --> 00:29:30,820 people such as the constitution and 745 00:29:30,820 --> 00:29:32,931 such as as my colleague does not seem 746 00:29:32,931 --> 00:29:35,153 to understand . Critical race theory is 747 00:29:35,153 --> 00:29:37,530 a legal doctrine , not one that is put 748 00:29:37,530 --> 00:29:39,920 forth in schools and so having 749 00:29:39,920 --> 00:29:42,100 sensitive and those troops who 750 00:29:42,100 --> 00:29:45,010 understand and are able to adequately 751 00:29:45,010 --> 00:29:47,630 support their fellow officers , whether 752 00:29:47,630 --> 00:29:51,140 it's in the field battlefield or on the 753 00:29:51,140 --> 00:29:53,210 ships or anywhere else would be 754 00:29:53,210 --> 00:29:55,440 something that I'm sure our troops are 755 00:29:55,440 --> 00:29:58,100 happy to have . Um , one of the last 756 00:29:58,100 --> 00:30:00,380 questions I wanted to ask you was that 757 00:30:00,390 --> 00:30:02,612 uh an issue that I have concerned about 758 00:30:02,612 --> 00:30:04,668 My district is housing allowance for 759 00:30:04,668 --> 00:30:06,834 members of the Active Guard Reserve in 760 00:30:06,834 --> 00:30:08,779 the Virgin Islands . As you know , 761 00:30:08,779 --> 00:30:10,946 members of the guard on duty in the 50 762 00:30:10,946 --> 00:30:12,946 states currently received the basic 763 00:30:12,946 --> 00:30:15,112 allowance for housing , put members on 764 00:30:15,112 --> 00:30:17,001 duty in the Virgin Islands , only 765 00:30:17,001 --> 00:30:19,334 received the overseas housing allowance , 766 00:30:19,334 --> 00:30:21,334 which is reimbursable allowance and 767 00:30:21,334 --> 00:30:23,223 offers less flex flexibility from 768 00:30:23,223 --> 00:30:25,279 members to find housing options that 769 00:30:25,279 --> 00:30:27,168 meet their needs . I understand . 770 00:30:27,168 --> 00:30:29,057 However , the Hawaiian Alaska are 771 00:30:29,057 --> 00:30:31,057 currently considered to be overseas 772 00:30:31,057 --> 00:30:33,057 locations while still receiving the 773 00:30:33,057 --> 00:30:35,410 basic allowance for housing . As you 774 00:30:35,410 --> 00:30:37,600 maybe aware , um The National , the 775 00:30:37,600 --> 00:30:40,200 Virgin Islands National Guard members 776 00:30:40,200 --> 00:30:42,700 of the Guard um It's leadership . Our 777 00:30:42,700 --> 00:30:45,150 governor have all requested to extend 778 00:30:45,150 --> 00:30:47,094 the basic allowance for housing to 779 00:30:47,094 --> 00:30:49,094 guard members serving in the Virgin 780 00:30:49,094 --> 00:30:51,410 Islands . As as my office does the 781 00:30:51,410 --> 00:30:53,577 Department of Defense plan to take any 782 00:30:53,577 --> 00:30:55,770 actions including under its available 783 00:30:55,840 --> 00:30:58,730 statutory authority to extend this to 784 00:30:58,730 --> 00:31:01,390 guardsmen working in the Virgin Islands . 785 00:31:01,390 --> 00:31:02,390 Thank you , 786 00:31:05,040 --> 00:31:07,040 congressman . I'm not familiar with 787 00:31:07,040 --> 00:31:09,151 with the request . If it's if it's on 788 00:31:09,151 --> 00:31:11,151 the table with the department of to 789 00:31:11,151 --> 00:31:13,151 consider how we treat the so called 790 00:31:13,151 --> 00:31:15,207 ohana in in uh in the Virgin Islands 791 00:31:15,207 --> 00:31:17,096 compared to how Alaska or why are 792 00:31:17,096 --> 00:31:19,262 treated . But we'll certainly get back 793 00:31:19,262 --> 00:31:21,460 to you . I would appreciate that . 794 00:31:21,470 --> 00:31:23,692 Thank you very much . Mr . Chairman . I 795 00:31:23,692 --> 00:31:26,470 yield back , Gentlewoman yields back 796 00:31:26,480 --> 00:31:28,591 now , recognized the gentlewoman from 797 00:31:28,591 --> 00:31:30,830 Iowa MS Hensen for five minutes . Thank 798 00:31:30,830 --> 00:31:32,663 you Mr Chairman for holding this 799 00:31:32,663 --> 00:31:34,886 hearing today . I really appreciate the 800 00:31:34,886 --> 00:31:37,108 opportunity . Um Under Secretary McCord 801 00:31:37,108 --> 00:31:39,163 and Vice Admiral Box . All thank you 802 00:31:39,163 --> 00:31:41,386 for your patience and taking all of our 803 00:31:41,386 --> 00:31:43,663 questions and and I'm being here today . 804 00:31:43,663 --> 00:31:45,719 Um Most importantly , I also want to 805 00:31:45,719 --> 00:31:45,360 thank you on behalf of violence for 806 00:31:45,360 --> 00:31:47,430 your service to our country . Um You 807 00:31:47,430 --> 00:31:49,486 were in a very tough role and I know 808 00:31:49,486 --> 00:31:51,541 that um and I understand what you're 809 00:31:51,541 --> 00:31:53,763 doing to help protect everyday american 810 00:31:53,763 --> 00:31:55,541 families in Iowa families and I 811 00:31:55,541 --> 00:31:57,763 appreciate that . Um I do have to start 812 00:31:57,763 --> 00:31:59,486 off by saying today that I was 813 00:31:59,486 --> 00:32:01,652 disappointed in the President's budget 814 00:32:01,652 --> 00:32:01,640 request . Um I believe it's a 815 00:32:01,640 --> 00:32:04,070 disservice to you . Um and all the men 816 00:32:04,070 --> 00:32:06,070 and women who commit their lives to 817 00:32:06,070 --> 00:32:08,070 defending our freedoms . I feel the 818 00:32:08,070 --> 00:32:10,292 Department of Defense has been hit time 819 00:32:10,292 --> 00:32:12,126 after time since January one the 820 00:32:12,126 --> 00:32:14,292 announcement to remove the troops from 821 00:32:14,292 --> 00:32:16,292 Afghanistan without a clear plan in 822 00:32:16,292 --> 00:32:18,570 place to prevent a worsening situation . 823 00:32:18,570 --> 00:32:20,570 We've had questions today about the 824 00:32:20,570 --> 00:32:20,480 Taliban , we've heard about human 825 00:32:20,480 --> 00:32:22,536 rights violations in that country in 826 00:32:22,536 --> 00:32:24,647 the worsening situation . Um And then 827 00:32:24,647 --> 00:32:27,000 just recently , um in on the floors of 828 00:32:27,010 --> 00:32:29,250 the House of Representatives move to 829 00:32:29,250 --> 00:32:31,850 repeal the 2000 to a um f without a 830 00:32:31,850 --> 00:32:34,240 replacement plan . Um these moves would 831 00:32:34,240 --> 00:32:36,540 leave our troops in nearby positions 832 00:32:36,550 --> 00:32:38,750 unguarded and vulnerable and that's 833 00:32:38,750 --> 00:32:41,430 unacceptable . Um then of course , I I 834 00:32:41,430 --> 00:32:43,597 think the most recent blow , and we've 835 00:32:43,597 --> 00:32:45,819 heard about it today is the president's 836 00:32:45,819 --> 00:32:48,041 decision to increase the budget by only 837 00:32:48,041 --> 00:32:50,460 a mere 1.6% . Which we've also heard 838 00:32:50,460 --> 00:32:52,720 about today after inflation is actually 839 00:32:52,720 --> 00:32:55,140 a budget cut . So in real world dollars , 840 00:32:55,140 --> 00:32:57,140 the Department of Defense will have 841 00:32:57,140 --> 00:32:59,362 less money in its fiscal year 22 budget 842 00:32:59,362 --> 00:33:01,990 than in the fiscal year 21 budget . Um 843 00:33:02,000 --> 00:33:04,222 But again before I begin my questions , 844 00:33:04,222 --> 00:33:06,389 I want you both to know . Um I am here 845 00:33:06,389 --> 00:33:08,500 to support you . We want to make sure 846 00:33:08,500 --> 00:33:10,722 we can defend our country . Um The work 847 00:33:10,722 --> 00:33:12,944 that you carry out at the Department of 848 00:33:12,944 --> 00:33:14,944 Defense with taxpayers resources is 849 00:33:14,944 --> 00:33:17,111 absolutely critical to protecting Iowa 850 00:33:17,111 --> 00:33:16,740 families . Um the safety and security 851 00:33:16,740 --> 00:33:19,510 of our country um is paramount . Um So 852 00:33:19,510 --> 00:33:21,510 my first question today , Vice Vice 853 00:33:21,510 --> 00:33:23,454 Admiral Box all um you mentioned a 854 00:33:23,454 --> 00:33:25,399 little bit earlier um your concern 855 00:33:25,399 --> 00:33:28,580 about china and um it's uh it's threat 856 00:33:28,590 --> 00:33:30,590 developing specific weapons , space 857 00:33:30,590 --> 00:33:32,570 capabilities , um those areas of 858 00:33:32,570 --> 00:33:34,792 concern . Um Can you elaborate a little 859 00:33:34,792 --> 00:33:36,626 bit on on some of those areas of 860 00:33:36,626 --> 00:33:38,848 concern um , for for people in the room 861 00:33:38,848 --> 00:33:41,620 today ? Sure , congressman , thank you . 862 00:33:41,630 --> 00:33:45,060 Uh certainly my experience over many 863 00:33:45,060 --> 00:33:47,620 years of being in the pacific and also 864 00:33:47,630 --> 00:33:49,686 in the building . Uh , I've seen the 865 00:33:49,686 --> 00:33:52,050 trend as well , have of uh , of china 866 00:33:52,050 --> 00:33:55,010 in both space , hyper sonics , uh , 867 00:33:55,020 --> 00:33:58,650 missiles growth and uh , so we worry a 868 00:33:58,650 --> 00:34:00,761 lot about that . I mean , that's kind 869 00:34:00,761 --> 00:34:02,761 of the trend that we were concerned 870 00:34:02,761 --> 00:34:04,872 about . Uh , and why this budget gets 871 00:34:04,872 --> 00:34:07,094 after a lot of those concerns . This is 872 00:34:07,094 --> 00:34:08,817 the first one we go after some 873 00:34:08,817 --> 00:34:10,872 hypersonic , some procurement . Uh , 874 00:34:10,872 --> 00:34:12,872 it's also gonna require new ways of 875 00:34:12,872 --> 00:34:14,817 thinking and fighting against that 876 00:34:14,817 --> 00:34:16,650 adversary . So that's that's one 877 00:34:16,650 --> 00:34:18,872 particular the cyber vulnerabilities of 878 00:34:18,872 --> 00:34:20,872 our forces concerning . And you see 879 00:34:20,872 --> 00:34:22,928 those so well , we look at the , you 880 00:34:22,928 --> 00:34:25,039 know , whatever the number is clearly 881 00:34:25,039 --> 00:34:27,150 inside those priorities from military 882 00:34:27,150 --> 00:34:29,094 standpoint , we're looking for the 883 00:34:29,094 --> 00:34:28,850 joint force to get after those 884 00:34:28,860 --> 00:34:31,550 capabilities that we feel will shift 885 00:34:31,550 --> 00:34:33,661 from , you know , the wars that we've 886 00:34:33,661 --> 00:34:35,717 seen in the Middle East to to to the 887 00:34:35,717 --> 00:34:37,970 pacific and to be able to uh to keep up 888 00:34:37,970 --> 00:34:40,510 with a rising china . And I'd like to 889 00:34:40,510 --> 00:34:42,454 also point out , I just saw a news 890 00:34:42,454 --> 00:34:44,343 article as we were sitting here a 891 00:34:44,343 --> 00:34:46,343 little bit ago , Russia's posturing 892 00:34:46,343 --> 00:34:46,060 quite dramatically as well against the 893 00:34:46,060 --> 00:34:48,570 West . So that's a growing concern as 894 00:34:48,570 --> 00:34:50,410 we look at the National Defense 895 00:34:50,410 --> 00:34:52,577 Strategy when it's recommending a 3 to 896 00:34:52,577 --> 00:34:54,632 5% increase to keep up with that . I 897 00:34:54,632 --> 00:34:56,854 mean is I I think everybody's concerned 898 00:34:56,854 --> 00:34:58,799 when we're hearing about this 1.6% 899 00:34:58,799 --> 00:35:00,799 increase , that it's not gonna jive 900 00:35:00,799 --> 00:35:03,021 with that recommendation . Um So do you 901 00:35:03,021 --> 00:35:05,243 agree with the report ? Um Do you think 902 00:35:05,243 --> 00:35:07,354 we need that 3 to 5% increase because 903 00:35:07,354 --> 00:35:09,466 that's a serious conversation we need 904 00:35:09,466 --> 00:35:11,632 to be having . So obviously we've seen 905 00:35:11,632 --> 00:35:13,910 the 3 to 5% for a while and , you know , 906 00:35:13,910 --> 00:35:16,132 our job is to try to get the best joint 907 00:35:16,132 --> 00:35:18,466 force we can for whatever the budget is . 908 00:35:18,466 --> 00:35:20,700 Uh as as far as 35% that brings less 909 00:35:20,700 --> 00:35:22,922 risk , the more money you have into the 910 00:35:22,922 --> 00:35:24,922 portfolio . So at any funding level 911 00:35:24,922 --> 00:35:26,756 you're gonna incur some risk . I 912 00:35:26,756 --> 00:35:28,756 haven't been involved in one budget 913 00:35:28,756 --> 00:35:30,700 that I haven't had those difficult 914 00:35:30,700 --> 00:35:32,811 discussions . As you is , the funding 915 00:35:32,811 --> 00:35:34,978 levels higher . You can get after more 916 00:35:34,978 --> 00:35:37,089 things more quickly as you go lower . 917 00:35:37,089 --> 00:35:37,010 You have to you have to divest and 918 00:35:37,010 --> 00:35:39,330 change more quickly . So my concern at 919 00:35:39,330 --> 00:35:41,552 any budget level are those trade offs . 920 00:35:41,552 --> 00:35:43,608 So do you believe that with a higher 921 00:35:43,608 --> 00:35:45,608 level of funding , that we could be 922 00:35:45,608 --> 00:35:47,608 better equipped for our military to 923 00:35:47,608 --> 00:35:49,830 handle these ongoing threats that china 924 00:35:49,830 --> 00:35:51,997 is posing , That Russia is posing More 925 00:35:51,997 --> 00:35:53,997 money . Will lessen the risk , as I 926 00:35:53,997 --> 00:35:53,880 just stated . Okay , I'm concerned 927 00:35:53,880 --> 00:35:56,870 about that risk at 1.1.6% increase . 928 00:35:56,880 --> 00:35:58,824 Another area that I just wanted to 929 00:35:58,824 --> 00:36:00,602 touch on that , I've heard some 930 00:36:00,602 --> 00:36:02,824 conversation about today , it's evident 931 00:36:02,824 --> 00:36:05,047 that um this priority in this budget is 932 00:36:05,047 --> 00:36:06,936 not necessarily the protection of 933 00:36:06,936 --> 00:36:08,991 americans and our interests , but uh 934 00:36:08,991 --> 00:36:10,936 instead it seems really focused on 935 00:36:10,936 --> 00:36:13,047 accommodating climate change policies 936 00:36:13,047 --> 00:36:15,269 and the agenda of this administration . 937 00:36:15,269 --> 00:36:17,269 Um One thing being from Iowa that I 938 00:36:17,269 --> 00:36:17,170 would like to point out is that are 939 00:36:17,170 --> 00:36:19,337 biofuels , industry stands ready to be 940 00:36:19,337 --> 00:36:21,790 a partner in this fight . Um biofuels 941 00:36:21,790 --> 00:36:23,957 are really available . There are great 942 00:36:23,957 --> 00:36:25,623 alternative energy that would 943 00:36:25,623 --> 00:36:27,401 significantly reduce our carbon 944 00:36:27,401 --> 00:36:29,401 admissions while both bolstering as 945 00:36:29,401 --> 00:36:31,690 well , american jobs um and reducing 946 00:36:31,700 --> 00:36:33,644 again those carbon emissions while 947 00:36:33,644 --> 00:36:35,756 helping our local economies . Um have 948 00:36:35,756 --> 00:36:38,130 you had any considerations um Either of 949 00:36:38,130 --> 00:36:39,908 you can answer this question um 950 00:36:39,908 --> 00:36:41,741 specifically about the impact of 951 00:36:41,741 --> 00:36:44,340 biofuel use perhaps on your carbon 952 00:36:44,340 --> 00:36:46,340 footprint ? F video d since you are 953 00:36:46,340 --> 00:36:49,620 such a large consumer fuels , I will 954 00:36:49,620 --> 00:36:51,880 say that actually was the carrier 955 00:36:51,880 --> 00:36:53,936 strike group commander for the Great 956 00:36:53,936 --> 00:36:55,936 Green fleet and we actually did get 957 00:36:55,936 --> 00:36:58,047 underway and operated completely with 958 00:36:58,047 --> 00:37:00,158 biofuels for both aircraft uh ships . 959 00:37:00,158 --> 00:37:02,158 And uh it was we learned a lot from 960 00:37:02,158 --> 00:37:04,324 that activity . Uh So you know , we'll 961 00:37:04,324 --> 00:37:06,213 continue to evolve those types of 962 00:37:06,213 --> 00:37:08,213 lessons as we look at other climate 963 00:37:08,213 --> 00:37:10,213 impacting decisions . Gentlewoman's 964 00:37:10,213 --> 00:37:12,380 time has expired and now recognize the 965 00:37:12,380 --> 00:37:14,491 gentleman from California . Mr Peters 966 00:37:14,491 --> 00:37:14,040 for five minutes . Thank you . Mr 967 00:37:14,040 --> 00:37:15,984 Chairman . Thank you . Mr . Record 968 00:37:15,984 --> 00:37:18,151 amber box for appearing here today . I 969 00:37:18,151 --> 00:37:20,373 do support this budget request in terms 970 00:37:20,373 --> 00:37:22,429 of the top line , I think that given 971 00:37:22,429 --> 00:37:24,860 the bipartisan support that we've We 972 00:37:24,860 --> 00:37:28,240 brought to increasing um uh the budget 973 00:37:28,240 --> 00:37:30,462 over the last years that this seven and 974 00:37:30,462 --> 00:37:32,573 $15 billion dollars is an appropriate 975 00:37:32,573 --> 00:37:34,700 amount . Um As Mr McCord noted in his 976 00:37:34,700 --> 00:37:37,090 prepared remarks , the interim national 977 00:37:37,090 --> 00:37:39,146 security guidance from the president 978 00:37:39,146 --> 00:37:41,201 clearly articulates the need to make 979 00:37:41,201 --> 00:37:43,423 smart and disciplined choices regarding 980 00:37:43,423 --> 00:37:45,590 our national defense , responsible use 981 00:37:45,590 --> 00:37:44,960 of our military . A lot of the 982 00:37:44,960 --> 00:37:47,127 conversations around the divestment of 983 00:37:47,127 --> 00:37:49,127 legacy platforms and realignment of 984 00:37:49,127 --> 00:37:51,293 resources , a lot of the procurement , 985 00:37:51,293 --> 00:37:53,127 operations , maintenance , basic 986 00:37:53,127 --> 00:37:55,016 research , development , test and 987 00:37:55,016 --> 00:37:57,127 evaluation . I want to first start by 988 00:37:57,127 --> 00:37:59,071 saying I share the concern that Mr 989 00:37:59,071 --> 00:38:01,127 Horsfield expressed earlier about MQ 990 00:38:01,127 --> 00:38:03,349 Nines and 4s , which seemed to me to be 991 00:38:03,349 --> 00:38:05,460 much more cost effective way to to to 992 00:38:05,460 --> 00:38:07,571 handle particularly the is our issues 993 00:38:07,571 --> 00:38:09,870 then than some of the other ways . But 994 00:38:09,880 --> 00:38:11,510 I wanted to ask also about 995 00:38:11,530 --> 00:38:15,140 infrastructure and modernization of um 996 00:38:15,620 --> 00:38:18,530 of uh commands and infrastructure , 997 00:38:18,530 --> 00:38:20,980 particularly projects like the knave 998 00:38:20,980 --> 00:38:23,580 our redevelopment effort in SAn Diego . 999 00:38:23,580 --> 00:38:25,802 I want to know if you could explain how 1000 00:38:25,802 --> 00:38:28,024 the D . O . D . Um and the services are 1001 00:38:28,024 --> 00:38:30,080 going to prioritize modernization of 1002 00:38:30,080 --> 00:38:32,191 infrastructure uh and what that would 1003 00:38:32,191 --> 00:38:36,120 mean for something like nah voir . So 1004 00:38:36,130 --> 00:38:38,297 we did get an opportunity to go out to 1005 00:38:38,297 --> 00:38:40,297 SAn Diego and and see some of those 1006 00:38:40,297 --> 00:38:42,519 efforts first hand . I'm lucky you . By 1007 00:38:42,519 --> 00:38:44,630 the way again , it's lucky you . It's 1008 00:38:44,630 --> 00:38:44,220 always good to go to Sandy . Well , 1009 00:38:44,220 --> 00:38:46,331 it's always good to get SAN Diego was 1010 00:38:46,331 --> 00:38:46,230 only there for a few hours 1011 00:38:46,230 --> 00:38:48,063 unfortunately , but I did get an 1012 00:38:48,063 --> 00:38:50,230 opportunity get out there and see some 1013 00:38:50,230 --> 00:38:52,341 of the things that they're doing . Uh 1014 00:38:52,341 --> 00:38:54,563 We're excited about a lot of the things 1015 00:38:54,563 --> 00:38:56,897 that are going on out there . But again , 1016 00:38:56,897 --> 00:38:58,841 I don't know specifically what the 1017 00:38:58,841 --> 00:38:58,290 requests are , the infrastructure 1018 00:38:58,290 --> 00:39:00,401 impacts . What I can say is that what 1019 00:39:00,401 --> 00:39:02,623 we're learning from that those types of 1020 00:39:02,623 --> 00:39:04,568 efforts uh get after our joint all 1021 00:39:04,568 --> 00:39:06,790 Domain command and Control issues which 1022 00:39:06,790 --> 00:39:09,060 are key and critical to uh this change 1023 00:39:09,070 --> 00:39:12,040 uh to a future joint force of all 1024 00:39:12,040 --> 00:39:14,151 domain force . Sure . And I guess , I 1025 00:39:14,151 --> 00:39:16,207 mean we're looking at a long project 1026 00:39:16,207 --> 00:39:18,040 over a long period of time , but 1027 00:39:18,040 --> 00:39:20,207 obviously you've got assets like knave 1028 00:39:20,207 --> 00:39:22,040 war there really critical to the 1029 00:39:22,040 --> 00:39:24,670 mission and um are are let's say 1030 00:39:24,670 --> 00:39:26,726 underserved in terms of their own uh 1031 00:39:26,726 --> 00:39:29,250 infrastructure and property utilization . 1032 00:39:29,720 --> 00:39:32,790 Um I also wanted to mention um uh 1033 00:39:32,800 --> 00:39:34,744 follow on something that Mr kowski 1034 00:39:34,744 --> 00:39:36,856 talked about , which was energy . You 1035 00:39:36,856 --> 00:39:38,967 know , it's it's interesting that the 1036 00:39:38,967 --> 00:39:41,133 military and I agree with my colleague 1037 00:39:41,133 --> 00:39:42,967 from Iowa about innovation , the 1038 00:39:42,967 --> 00:39:45,133 military and particularly the Navy has 1039 00:39:45,133 --> 00:39:47,300 always been the big innovator in terms 1040 00:39:47,300 --> 00:39:49,356 of energy went from sales to coal to 1041 00:39:49,356 --> 00:39:51,300 nuclear . Uh and you mentioned the 1042 00:39:51,300 --> 00:39:53,411 Great Green Fleet , which I was happy 1043 00:39:53,411 --> 00:39:53,130 to support when I was a member of the 1044 00:39:53,130 --> 00:39:55,352 Armed Services Committee . Uh these are 1045 00:39:55,352 --> 00:39:57,463 changes that are made for operational 1046 00:39:57,463 --> 00:39:59,463 security reasons are not in any way 1047 00:39:59,463 --> 00:40:01,519 because the Navy and the marines are 1048 00:40:01,519 --> 00:40:03,574 tree huggers . EMC S . Miramar in my 1049 00:40:03,574 --> 00:40:05,352 district is a pioneer in energy 1050 00:40:05,352 --> 00:40:07,408 microgrids that enhance the commands 1051 00:40:07,408 --> 00:40:09,574 energy resiliency and reduce the basis 1052 00:40:09,574 --> 00:40:11,980 footprint . Um the operational and 1053 00:40:11,980 --> 00:40:14,160 strategic utility of this project is 1054 00:40:14,160 --> 00:40:17,070 clear . They reduce electromagnetic 1055 00:40:17,070 --> 00:40:19,292 footprint and mitigate the need to rely 1056 00:40:19,292 --> 00:40:21,237 on supply chains , the transport , 1057 00:40:21,237 --> 00:40:23,348 traditional energy sources that would 1058 00:40:23,348 --> 00:40:25,403 be particularly useful overseas . Um 1059 00:40:25,403 --> 00:40:27,070 the developments increase the 1060 00:40:27,070 --> 00:40:29,181 survivability . The joint force needs 1061 00:40:29,181 --> 00:40:31,014 to succeed in a future operating 1062 00:40:31,014 --> 00:40:32,848 environment characterized by the 1063 00:40:32,848 --> 00:40:34,903 proliferation of anti access um area 1064 00:40:34,903 --> 00:40:37,070 denial threats . And so my question is 1065 00:40:37,070 --> 00:40:39,292 how can congress support diodes efforts 1066 00:40:39,292 --> 00:40:41,348 to address the climate crisis impact 1067 00:40:41,348 --> 00:40:43,510 While the same time making force 1068 00:40:43,510 --> 00:40:45,010 stronger and more lethal ? 1069 00:40:47,610 --> 00:40:50,120 Well , to be honest , I'm not really an 1070 00:40:50,120 --> 00:40:52,287 expert in the types of things . I know 1071 00:40:52,287 --> 00:40:54,453 we're working very closely . We have a 1072 00:40:54,453 --> 00:40:56,676 group together a task force that's been 1073 00:40:56,676 --> 00:40:56,350 created with secretary and also with 1074 00:40:56,350 --> 00:40:58,517 the chairman . We have members on that 1075 00:40:58,517 --> 00:41:00,572 committee for that task force to get 1076 00:41:00,572 --> 00:41:02,350 after some of those things . My 1077 00:41:02,350 --> 00:41:04,239 experiences with demand certainly 1078 00:41:04,239 --> 00:41:06,461 operationally , if we can lessen demand 1079 00:41:06,461 --> 00:41:08,517 for ships or aircraft at sea than or 1080 00:41:08,517 --> 00:41:10,517 anywhere , then we can certainly uh 1081 00:41:10,517 --> 00:41:12,739 allow them to operate more freely . And 1082 00:41:12,739 --> 00:41:14,628 that certainly is as an advantage 1083 00:41:14,628 --> 00:41:16,572 operationally so . Um , but far as 1084 00:41:16,572 --> 00:41:18,683 other initiatives , it's not my forte 1085 00:41:18,683 --> 00:41:20,906 and certainly the task force is looking 1086 00:41:20,906 --> 00:41:23,017 more closely at that maybe MR court . 1087 00:41:23,017 --> 00:41:25,350 According to me , I would just add that . 1088 00:41:25,350 --> 00:41:27,350 I think the important thing from my 1089 00:41:27,350 --> 00:41:29,406 perspective is that we be allowed to 1090 00:41:29,406 --> 00:41:31,517 experiment across a range of things . 1091 00:41:31,517 --> 00:41:33,239 Fuel cells are , for example , 1092 00:41:33,239 --> 00:41:35,239 something that we're that allow you 1093 00:41:35,239 --> 00:41:37,572 energies are to store right electricity , 1094 00:41:37,572 --> 00:41:41,050 uh , easy to produce hard . It has to 1095 00:41:41,050 --> 00:41:42,994 be transmitted because it can't be 1096 00:41:42,994 --> 00:41:44,994 stored easily . That's an important 1097 00:41:44,994 --> 00:41:47,210 aspect that fuels is another one . The 1098 00:41:47,210 --> 00:41:49,488 efficiency of the vehicles that we use . 1099 00:41:49,488 --> 00:41:52,350 And as well as the thought process of 1100 00:41:52,350 --> 00:41:54,350 looking at how climate change might 1101 00:41:54,350 --> 00:41:57,310 change the problem sets you and I I'll 1102 00:41:57,310 --> 00:41:59,310 just reiterate , I agree with you . 1103 00:41:59,310 --> 00:42:01,477 Touched on important one . Was was the 1104 00:42:01,477 --> 00:42:03,699 logistics footprint that comes with how 1105 00:42:03,699 --> 00:42:03,580 you use energy is important , 1106 00:42:03,580 --> 00:42:05,691 especially as you go to a more remote 1107 00:42:05,691 --> 00:42:07,802 place , like Afghanistan . One of the 1108 00:42:07,802 --> 00:42:09,969 most dangerously most dangerous things 1109 00:42:09,969 --> 00:42:11,969 we do is transport large amounts of 1110 00:42:11,969 --> 00:42:14,136 petroleum across the desert . And when 1111 00:42:14,136 --> 00:42:13,740 those convoys are attacked , correct . 1112 00:42:13,750 --> 00:42:15,910 I remember , I think the same case 1113 00:42:15,910 --> 00:42:18,021 you're talking about from Iraq , that 1114 00:42:18,021 --> 00:42:20,077 we had to do special coating on fuel 1115 00:42:20,077 --> 00:42:22,299 trucks because snipers were shooting at 1116 00:42:22,299 --> 00:42:22,150 the fuel trucks . Let me just encourage 1117 00:42:22,150 --> 00:42:24,428 it . MR Chairman , My time has expired , 1118 00:42:24,428 --> 00:42:26,372 but I would say it's possible that 1119 00:42:26,372 --> 00:42:28,261 someone in a room like this a few 1120 00:42:28,261 --> 00:42:30,261 decades ago would have said , don't 1121 00:42:30,261 --> 00:42:32,261 spend money on the internet , don't 1122 00:42:32,261 --> 00:42:34,483 spend money on GPS . Um that would have 1123 00:42:34,483 --> 00:42:34,410 been very shortsighted . So I encourage 1124 00:42:34,410 --> 00:42:36,577 you to continue to innovate in support 1125 00:42:36,577 --> 00:42:38,466 of the mission and I yield back . 1126 00:42:38,466 --> 00:42:40,521 Gentleman's time has expired and now 1127 00:42:40,521 --> 00:42:42,854 recognize the gentleman from California . 1128 00:42:42,854 --> 00:42:45,021 Mr Osborne Ot for five minutes . Thank 1129 00:42:45,021 --> 00:42:44,840 you very much . Mr Chairman and thank 1130 00:42:44,840 --> 00:42:46,840 you to both our witnesses for being 1131 00:42:46,840 --> 00:42:48,920 here on such an important topic . My 1132 00:42:48,920 --> 00:42:51,198 first question is for Vice Admiral Box . 1133 00:42:51,198 --> 00:42:53,031 All you said in your testimony , 1134 00:42:53,031 --> 00:42:54,642 something that I thought was 1135 00:42:54,642 --> 00:42:56,642 fascinating , You said that we were 1136 00:42:56,642 --> 00:42:58,864 experiencing the most fundamental shift 1137 00:42:58,864 --> 00:43:00,976 in the way that battles are fought in 1138 00:43:00,976 --> 00:43:03,198 the entire history of warfare , which I 1139 00:43:03,198 --> 00:43:05,850 really think speaks volumes about what 1140 00:43:05,850 --> 00:43:07,906 we need to do to ensure that America 1141 00:43:07,906 --> 00:43:09,961 remains competitive when it comes to 1142 00:43:09,961 --> 00:43:12,270 our military . So I think what you've 1143 00:43:12,270 --> 00:43:15,080 heard from a large number of us today 1144 00:43:15,080 --> 00:43:17,580 some alarm at the fact that the 1145 00:43:17,580 --> 00:43:20,370 proposal is to decrease Defense 1146 00:43:20,370 --> 00:43:22,426 spending in real dollars . Given the 1147 00:43:22,426 --> 00:43:25,800 fact that the 1.6 projected increase in 1148 00:43:25,800 --> 00:43:28,350 budget is less than the rate of 1149 00:43:28,350 --> 00:43:31,490 inflation . So in your opinion , given 1150 00:43:31,490 --> 00:43:33,657 the fact that we need to fundamentally 1151 00:43:33,657 --> 00:43:35,934 transform our capabilities in that way , 1152 00:43:35,934 --> 00:43:37,879 does this budget give you adequate 1153 00:43:37,879 --> 00:43:41,100 resources to do that ? I believe it 1154 00:43:41,100 --> 00:43:43,630 does . I think we start the move from 1155 00:43:43,630 --> 00:43:45,630 where we have been to , where we're 1156 00:43:45,630 --> 00:43:47,686 going in the future . There's a down 1157 00:43:47,686 --> 00:43:47,680 payment and a lot of things here that 1158 00:43:47,690 --> 00:43:49,690 are going to matter and they matter 1159 00:43:49,690 --> 00:43:52,010 more as time goes on . But certainly as 1160 00:43:52,010 --> 00:43:54,270 I described earlier to your colleague , 1161 00:43:54,280 --> 00:43:56,450 we had , um , you know , we look at 1162 00:43:56,450 --> 00:43:58,561 this as a function of risk . I mean , 1163 00:43:58,561 --> 00:44:00,728 how quickly we we move and how quickly 1164 00:44:00,728 --> 00:44:02,839 we can change from the things we used 1165 00:44:02,839 --> 00:44:04,839 to need . Two things we need in the 1166 00:44:04,839 --> 00:44:07,061 future are really is really a key uh in 1167 00:44:07,061 --> 00:44:09,283 anybody budget future . But uh , that's 1168 00:44:09,283 --> 00:44:11,506 really kind of what we think about here 1169 00:44:11,506 --> 00:44:13,728 from a from a military standpoint . And 1170 00:44:13,728 --> 00:44:15,783 we're trying to get after inside the 1171 00:44:15,783 --> 00:44:17,839 inside of the Joint Force , a better 1172 00:44:17,839 --> 00:44:19,894 way to characterize what those , you 1173 00:44:19,894 --> 00:44:22,228 know , specific changes are going to be . 1174 00:44:22,228 --> 00:44:24,339 We're throwing the rudder over if you 1175 00:44:24,339 --> 00:44:26,394 will , with the idea that we will we 1176 00:44:26,394 --> 00:44:28,561 will change into a different place and 1177 00:44:28,561 --> 00:44:30,839 how we fight will be very different uh , 1178 00:44:30,839 --> 00:44:33,006 than than how we have been fighting in 1179 00:44:33,006 --> 00:44:35,339 the past . Thank you very much for that . 1180 00:44:35,339 --> 00:44:37,561 Uh , and under Secretary McCord , thank 1181 00:44:37,561 --> 00:44:39,783 you for being here and uh , recognizing 1182 00:44:39,783 --> 00:44:41,894 uh it's a very difficult job that you 1183 00:44:41,894 --> 00:44:44,420 have . I had a question about the 1184 00:44:44,890 --> 00:44:47,112 Deferred maintenance and infrastructure 1185 00:44:47,112 --> 00:44:49,279 at our bases . I have the privilege of 1186 00:44:49,279 --> 00:44:51,446 representing the district in which the 1187 00:44:51,446 --> 00:44:54,700 29 palms ground air AmeriCorps station 1188 00:44:54,700 --> 00:44:56,820 is located . And so I don't I don't 1189 00:44:56,820 --> 00:44:58,820 know a lot about our bases in other 1190 00:44:58,820 --> 00:45:01,042 parts of the country in the world , but 1191 00:45:01,042 --> 00:45:03,209 I know a lot about that one and I know 1192 00:45:03,209 --> 00:45:04,931 that in that base they've been 1193 00:45:04,931 --> 00:45:07,153 struggling with the issue of wastewater 1194 00:45:07,153 --> 00:45:09,376 treatment , which seems like a very non 1195 00:45:09,376 --> 00:45:11,431 military thing to be worried about . 1196 00:45:11,431 --> 00:45:13,487 But they there's a real need there . 1197 00:45:13,487 --> 00:45:15,487 There has been for many years , the 1198 00:45:15,487 --> 00:45:17,598 last Congress appropriated funding to 1199 00:45:17,598 --> 00:45:19,764 build a new wastewater treatment plant 1200 00:45:19,764 --> 00:45:21,876 for the base . Unfortunately , by the 1201 00:45:21,876 --> 00:45:24,098 time the funding was appropriated , the 1202 00:45:24,098 --> 00:45:25,987 cost of building it had risen and 1203 00:45:25,987 --> 00:45:25,530 therefore the money was insufficient . 1204 00:45:25,530 --> 00:45:27,419 And now it's back on the unfunded 1205 00:45:27,419 --> 00:45:29,530 priorities list . So I find that very 1206 00:45:29,530 --> 00:45:31,641 alarming . I hope that that's not the 1207 00:45:31,641 --> 00:45:33,752 case with bases in other parts of the 1208 00:45:33,752 --> 00:45:35,919 country and I'm wondering what the D . 1209 00:45:35,919 --> 00:45:37,974 O . D . S Strategy is going to be to 1210 00:45:37,974 --> 00:45:40,197 addressing the projects on the unfunded 1211 00:45:40,197 --> 00:45:42,419 priorities list and making sure that we 1212 00:45:42,419 --> 00:45:44,363 don't have situations like the one 1213 00:45:44,363 --> 00:45:47,190 occurring in 29 palms . Well , I'm not 1214 00:45:47,190 --> 00:45:49,357 familiar with a particular project . I 1215 00:45:49,357 --> 00:45:51,301 understand the problem that you're 1216 00:45:51,301 --> 00:45:53,301 stating it does happen from time to 1217 00:45:53,301 --> 00:45:55,468 time . There's a range within which if 1218 00:45:55,468 --> 00:45:57,579 you're close enough , you can go back 1219 00:45:57,579 --> 00:45:59,579 to the committees and and do what's 1220 00:45:59,579 --> 00:45:59,160 called a cost variation . But when you 1221 00:45:59,160 --> 00:46:01,271 get above a certain threshold it gets 1222 00:46:01,271 --> 00:46:03,438 as you perhaps in this case , just too 1223 00:46:03,438 --> 00:46:05,520 hard to do . Unfunded military 1224 00:46:05,520 --> 00:46:08,050 construction project priorities are , 1225 00:46:08,060 --> 00:46:10,282 you know , are something Congress looks 1226 00:46:10,282 --> 00:46:12,338 at . Um and something the department 1227 00:46:12,338 --> 00:46:14,449 looks at as it looks at each budget . 1228 00:46:14,449 --> 00:46:16,671 Next budget . We have a little bit of a 1229 00:46:16,671 --> 00:46:18,449 glut right now and that we have 1230 00:46:18,449 --> 00:46:20,504 projects diverted for for the border 1231 00:46:20,504 --> 00:46:22,616 wall which are competing with all the 1232 00:46:22,616 --> 00:46:24,671 other unfunded projects . So I think 1233 00:46:24,671 --> 00:46:24,030 there's there's maybe a little more 1234 00:46:24,030 --> 00:46:25,919 about demand signal on the on the 1235 00:46:25,919 --> 00:46:28,030 military construction side than there 1236 00:46:28,030 --> 00:46:30,252 is otherwise right now . But as we work 1237 00:46:30,252 --> 00:46:32,419 our way through that backlog , if your 1238 00:46:32,419 --> 00:46:34,641 wastewater treatment uh project gets to 1239 00:46:34,641 --> 00:46:36,808 a life safety health of people working 1240 00:46:36,808 --> 00:46:38,697 and living there , then that will 1241 00:46:38,697 --> 00:46:40,752 probably put it in a higher priority 1242 00:46:40,752 --> 00:46:42,974 situation for for action . Well , thank 1243 00:46:42,974 --> 00:46:45,030 you . I hope we can work together to 1244 00:46:45,030 --> 00:46:47,030 try and get that particular problem 1245 00:46:47,030 --> 00:46:49,141 solved . But I also want to highlight 1246 00:46:49,141 --> 00:46:51,090 the fact that we can't be we can't 1247 00:46:51,090 --> 00:46:53,312 achieve military preparedness if we can 1248 00:46:53,312 --> 00:46:55,368 maintain our base facilities . Thank 1249 00:46:55,368 --> 00:46:57,590 you very much for both of you for being 1250 00:46:57,590 --> 00:46:59,368 here today . All you'll back Mr 1251 00:46:59,368 --> 00:47:01,590 Chairman gentlemen goes back to balance 1252 00:47:01,590 --> 00:47:01,170 this time . I now recognize the 1253 00:47:01,170 --> 00:47:03,392 gentlewoman from texas Miss Jackson lee 1254 00:47:03,392 --> 00:47:04,448 for five minutes . 1255 00:47:07,880 --> 00:47:10,102 Thank you very much . Mr . Chairman , I 1256 00:47:10,102 --> 00:47:12,890 think the clock is not correct . Thank 1257 00:47:12,890 --> 00:47:16,180 you very much . Let me acknowledge your 1258 00:47:16,180 --> 00:47:19,790 service . Uh Secretary McCord . 1259 00:47:20,180 --> 00:47:22,320 Uh and as well , the service of our 1260 00:47:22,320 --> 00:47:24,800 Secretary of Defense please convey to 1261 00:47:24,800 --> 00:47:26,411 him my best readings and our 1262 00:47:26,411 --> 00:47:28,633 appreciation for his historic service . 1263 00:47:28,980 --> 00:47:32,250 All right . It is enormously uh 1264 00:47:32,260 --> 00:47:34,316 impactful here in this country . And 1265 00:47:34,316 --> 00:47:36,316 also with the new attitude , as you 1266 00:47:36,316 --> 00:47:38,427 know secretary , we have just in five 1267 00:47:38,427 --> 00:47:41,070 minutes and so I am going to ask some 1268 00:47:41,070 --> 00:47:43,070 yes or no questions , uh , and then 1269 00:47:43,070 --> 00:47:45,181 maybe some that cry a little bit more 1270 00:47:45,181 --> 00:47:47,070 detail . First of all , I want to 1271 00:47:47,070 --> 00:47:49,070 applaud as a member of the Military 1272 00:47:49,070 --> 00:47:51,490 Families Caucus . I want to applaud 1273 00:47:51,880 --> 00:47:55,620 The 3.1% increase for 1274 00:47:55,630 --> 00:47:57,797 military personnel quickly . I want to 1275 00:47:57,797 --> 00:48:00,019 uh know whether or not that is going to 1276 00:48:00,019 --> 00:48:01,963 result in improved housing for our 1277 00:48:01,963 --> 00:48:04,320 families . Uh , the diminishing of food 1278 00:48:04,320 --> 00:48:07,630 stamps that many young army families 1279 00:48:07,630 --> 00:48:09,630 and other military families have to 1280 00:48:09,630 --> 00:48:13,340 access . Uh , and what does it do for 1281 00:48:13,350 --> 00:48:15,480 uh this ? I'll let you answer those 1282 00:48:15,480 --> 00:48:19,410 very quickly housing 1283 00:48:19,420 --> 00:48:23,080 and uh , the use of food stamps by 1284 00:48:23,090 --> 00:48:25,560 army personnel because of the lack of 1285 00:48:25,570 --> 00:48:28,960 resources . Thank you , Congresswoman . 1286 00:48:28,960 --> 00:48:31,293 I would say that on the food stamp side , 1287 00:48:31,293 --> 00:48:33,516 probably the biggest impact in the last 1288 00:48:33,516 --> 00:48:35,600 year or so has been covid and the 1289 00:48:35,600 --> 00:48:37,822 impact it's had on people's on people's 1290 00:48:37,822 --> 00:48:39,767 outside employment , for example , 1291 00:48:39,767 --> 00:48:41,878 military spouses . So I think I think 1292 00:48:41,878 --> 00:48:44,070 as getting getting control of the 1293 00:48:44,070 --> 00:48:46,126 pandemic which allows us to grow the 1294 00:48:46,126 --> 00:48:48,237 economy again is probably probably as 1295 00:48:48,237 --> 00:48:50,014 important as anything we can do 1296 00:48:50,014 --> 00:48:52,181 specifically within the defense budget 1297 00:48:52,181 --> 00:48:54,181 housing . Well , is the increase in 1298 00:48:54,181 --> 00:48:56,014 salary going to help with the uh 1299 00:48:56,014 --> 00:48:57,681 diminishing of the food stamp 1300 00:48:57,681 --> 00:49:00,930 assistance need ? Yes . Okay . Let's 1301 00:49:00,930 --> 00:49:03,190 just move on . Um What about funding 1302 00:49:03,190 --> 00:49:05,190 for army reserves and Army National 1303 00:49:05,190 --> 00:49:08,210 Guard ? Are there special concern and 1304 00:49:08,210 --> 00:49:10,280 interest regarding them ? 1305 00:49:12,970 --> 00:49:15,280 I think the army , all of the reserves 1306 00:49:15,670 --> 00:49:18,110 funding for them and I need to go 1307 00:49:18,110 --> 00:49:21,160 quickly because my time is moving . The 1308 00:49:21,160 --> 00:49:23,271 answer is yes . I would just say that 1309 00:49:23,271 --> 00:49:25,438 on the guard side in particular , it's 1310 00:49:25,438 --> 00:49:27,660 been a historically busy year last year 1311 00:49:27,660 --> 00:49:29,882 because of Covid and other issues where 1312 00:49:29,882 --> 00:49:31,716 the guard was deployed in record 1313 00:49:31,716 --> 00:49:33,716 numbers . So that's that's a unique 1314 00:49:33,716 --> 00:49:35,827 challenge for the guard . And so your 1315 00:49:35,827 --> 00:49:37,549 your funding will focus on the 1316 00:49:37,549 --> 00:49:39,771 resources that they have lost in all of 1317 00:49:39,771 --> 00:49:43,080 that effort . We can't we can't 1318 00:49:43,080 --> 00:49:45,024 necessarily make up for someone if 1319 00:49:45,024 --> 00:49:46,969 someone's civilian employment as a 1320 00:49:46,969 --> 00:49:49,191 guardsman was impacted by by Covid . If 1321 00:49:49,191 --> 00:49:51,413 if if like many other americans they're 1322 00:49:51,413 --> 00:49:53,524 there , they lost employment income . 1323 00:49:53,524 --> 00:49:55,580 That's not what our programs are not 1324 00:49:55,580 --> 00:49:57,636 designed to address that . But we do 1325 00:49:57,636 --> 00:49:59,636 recognize the the historic year the 1326 00:49:59,636 --> 00:50:01,524 guard has had and when we're very 1327 00:50:01,524 --> 00:50:03,747 focused on making sure that we can take 1328 00:50:03,747 --> 00:50:05,802 care of our people , right ? I'm not 1329 00:50:05,802 --> 00:50:05,230 talking about employment and talk about 1330 00:50:05,230 --> 00:50:07,341 the overall resources for the for the 1331 00:50:07,341 --> 00:50:09,230 guard . But let me just quickly , 1332 00:50:09,230 --> 00:50:11,230 there's absolutely no money for the 1333 00:50:11,230 --> 00:50:13,174 border wall . Is that correct ? In 1334 00:50:13,174 --> 00:50:15,119 Department Defense ? That's that's 1335 00:50:15,119 --> 00:50:16,841 correct , yes . And there's no 1336 00:50:16,841 --> 00:50:19,063 reimbursement money from the Department 1337 00:50:19,063 --> 00:50:21,286 of Defense for the border wall . That's 1338 00:50:21,286 --> 00:50:24,290 correct . Uh as relates to Afghanistan , 1339 00:50:24,300 --> 00:50:26,850 um And the drawdown , I know that those 1340 00:50:26,850 --> 00:50:28,961 were increased resources . But are we 1341 00:50:28,961 --> 00:50:31,150 using adequate resources to ensure , 1342 00:50:31,160 --> 00:50:33,438 even if military personnel ? Not there , 1343 00:50:33,438 --> 00:50:35,500 that we are protecting the civilians 1344 00:50:35,510 --> 00:50:37,677 during this transition period and that 1345 00:50:37,677 --> 00:50:41,620 is the afghan civilians . If 1346 00:50:41,620 --> 00:50:43,731 you're referring to the to the to the 1347 00:50:43,731 --> 00:50:46,060 special immigrant visa population , um 1348 00:50:46,070 --> 00:50:47,990 that is being worked between the 1349 00:50:47,990 --> 00:50:50,157 Secretary defense and the Secretary of 1350 00:50:50,157 --> 00:50:51,990 State with respect to the larger 1351 00:50:51,990 --> 00:50:53,768 population and the impact on on 1352 00:50:53,768 --> 00:50:55,823 Afghanistan or what the future of of 1353 00:50:55,823 --> 00:50:57,546 civilian safety is between the 1354 00:50:57,546 --> 00:50:59,434 government of Afghanistan and the 1355 00:50:59,434 --> 00:51:01,601 Taliban . That's that's sort of beyond 1356 00:51:01,601 --> 00:51:01,430 the Defense Department's ability to 1357 00:51:01,440 --> 00:51:04,720 make an assurance on . Well , I'd like 1358 00:51:04,720 --> 00:51:06,720 to get back with you and I'd rather 1359 00:51:06,720 --> 00:51:08,776 have that in writing . In addition , 1360 00:51:08,776 --> 00:51:10,942 I'd like to raise the issue of Elton , 1361 00:51:10,942 --> 00:51:13,510 uh the Ellington Base , uh Houston area 1362 00:51:13,510 --> 00:51:15,880 and would like a writing back on the 1363 00:51:15,880 --> 00:51:17,991 plans for Ellington Field , which has 1364 00:51:17,991 --> 00:51:20,290 been a great asset to the community . 1365 00:51:20,290 --> 00:51:22,457 And I'd like to get some understanding 1366 00:51:22,457 --> 00:51:25,260 of the vitality of that . Um , I would 1367 00:51:25,260 --> 00:51:29,190 also like to pursue the 1368 00:51:29,200 --> 00:51:33,100 issue of the dealing with the sexual 1369 00:51:33,100 --> 00:51:34,989 assaults and attacks on our young 1370 00:51:34,989 --> 00:51:38,050 soldiers who really want to be part of 1371 00:51:38,060 --> 00:51:40,510 the military as I do that . And ask you 1372 00:51:40,510 --> 00:51:43,290 to give me that uh answer . I would 1373 00:51:43,300 --> 00:51:45,960 clearly like to indicate um , the 1374 00:51:45,960 --> 00:51:48,750 diversity teaching to our military is 1375 00:51:48,750 --> 00:51:50,740 not critical race theory . It is 1376 00:51:50,750 --> 00:51:52,840 relevant . It is America just like 1377 00:51:52,840 --> 00:51:55,062 juneteenth is and just like reparations 1378 00:51:55,062 --> 00:51:56,951 hr 40 years . But I'd like you to 1379 00:51:56,951 --> 00:51:59,173 answer the question on working on these 1380 00:51:59,173 --> 00:52:01,340 cases that were like Vanessa billion , 1381 00:52:01,340 --> 00:52:03,451 if you could give me that in terms of 1382 00:52:03,451 --> 00:52:05,673 strategic plan and funding to do that , 1383 00:52:06,350 --> 00:52:10,160 we will . I'm 1384 00:52:10,160 --> 00:52:12,090 sorry . I asked you what kind of 1385 00:52:12,090 --> 00:52:14,140 funding plans you have for Vanessa 1386 00:52:14,140 --> 00:52:18,070 Gillian , uh the attack 1387 00:52:18,080 --> 00:52:21,670 on her and sexual some up uh training 1388 00:52:21,670 --> 00:52:24,970 are uh different pathway for 1389 00:52:24,980 --> 00:52:27,340 investigations . Do you have funding 1390 00:52:27,340 --> 00:52:30,450 for that ? I wouldn't say we have 1391 00:52:30,450 --> 00:52:32,561 funding for a specific case . We have 1392 00:52:32,561 --> 00:52:34,728 funding for the effort . I thought you 1393 00:52:34,728 --> 00:52:36,950 were asking you're expecting a question 1394 00:52:36,950 --> 00:52:36,580 for the record of response for the 1395 00:52:36,580 --> 00:52:38,691 record on the Secretary . And I would 1396 00:52:38,691 --> 00:52:40,636 like this one . I like you just to 1397 00:52:40,636 --> 00:52:43,830 answer on the whole process of a new 1398 00:52:43,840 --> 00:52:46,060 approach to those investigations , you 1399 00:52:46,060 --> 00:52:48,171 would have to have funding for that . 1400 00:52:48,171 --> 00:52:50,449 Is that being taken into consideration ? 1401 00:52:50,850 --> 00:52:52,961 Congressman ? I would say that as the 1402 00:52:52,961 --> 00:52:54,961 Secretary Secretary is getting just 1403 00:52:54,961 --> 00:52:57,072 this week , more recommendations from 1404 00:52:57,072 --> 00:52:59,183 his Independent Review Commission . I 1405 00:52:59,183 --> 00:53:01,239 would expect that some of those will 1406 00:53:01,239 --> 00:53:00,850 require additional funding will have to 1407 00:53:00,850 --> 00:53:03,350 come back to the Congress for because 1408 00:53:03,350 --> 00:53:05,406 they were developed after the budget 1409 00:53:05,406 --> 00:53:07,461 was submitted , Gentlewoman's thomas 1410 00:53:07,590 --> 00:53:09,757 encourage you to do that . Thank you . 1411 00:53:09,757 --> 00:53:12,034 Mr Chairman . I yield back . Thank you . 1412 00:53:12,034 --> 00:53:13,868 Thank you . Uh now recognize the 1413 00:53:13,868 --> 00:53:15,923 gentleman from florida . Mr Donald's 1414 00:53:15,923 --> 00:53:18,170 for five minutes . Uh Thank you . Mr 1415 00:53:18,170 --> 00:53:21,000 Chairman . Vice , abnormal Vice 1416 00:53:21,000 --> 00:53:23,620 admirable Admiral . Excuse me . And Mr 1417 00:53:23,620 --> 00:53:25,676 Under secretary . Thanks so much for 1418 00:53:25,676 --> 00:53:27,898 being here . Um Well , let's let's just 1419 00:53:27,898 --> 00:53:30,120 get into it . Um Obviously the spending 1420 00:53:30,120 --> 00:53:32,287 proposal from the president on D . O . 1421 00:53:32,287 --> 00:53:34,453 D . S is roughly uh $753 billion . You 1422 00:53:34,453 --> 00:53:37,810 talked earlier about uh comparable 1423 00:53:37,820 --> 00:53:41,290 comparability issues um comparing our 1424 00:53:41,290 --> 00:53:44,180 military spending and apparatus uh to 1425 00:53:44,180 --> 00:53:46,291 the chinese military , to the Russian 1426 00:53:46,291 --> 00:53:49,420 military um excluding personnel costs , 1427 00:53:49,420 --> 00:53:51,630 health care , housing , uh things that 1428 00:53:51,630 --> 00:53:53,686 actually deals specifically with the 1429 00:53:53,686 --> 00:53:56,720 men and women in uniform . What is how 1430 00:53:56,720 --> 00:53:59,770 does this the of this budget proposal 1431 00:53:59,770 --> 00:54:02,170 for D . O . D . Compared to the chinese 1432 00:54:02,170 --> 00:54:04,114 military in the Russian military , 1433 00:54:06,340 --> 00:54:09,700 ours would still be larger . Probably 1434 00:54:09,710 --> 00:54:11,600 more of a factor of 2-1 . If we 1435 00:54:11,600 --> 00:54:13,810 excluded the 40% of our budget that we 1436 00:54:13,810 --> 00:54:16,032 go that goes to pay and benefits of our 1437 00:54:16,032 --> 00:54:18,310 people . Okay . And uh following up on 1438 00:54:18,310 --> 00:54:22,000 that , um the rate of growth of our of 1439 00:54:22,000 --> 00:54:25,130 our equipment , um ships , planes 1440 00:54:25,130 --> 00:54:27,130 etcetera , anything associated with 1441 00:54:27,130 --> 00:54:29,480 that . Um Are we able to keep up with 1442 00:54:29,480 --> 00:54:31,591 the greater the rate of growth in the 1443 00:54:31,591 --> 00:54:33,480 chinese military with the current 1444 00:54:33,480 --> 00:54:35,600 budget proposal ? I think that over a 1445 00:54:35,600 --> 00:54:37,656 number of years in terms of counting 1446 00:54:37,656 --> 00:54:39,680 numbers of of aircraft or assets , 1447 00:54:39,690 --> 00:54:41,930 china is china is increasing the size 1448 00:54:41,930 --> 00:54:44,041 of their force faster than ours are . 1449 00:54:44,041 --> 00:54:46,208 Quality is higher than theirs . That's 1450 00:54:46,208 --> 00:54:48,263 and and that that gap is the quality 1451 00:54:48,263 --> 00:54:50,486 gap is particularly important for us to 1452 00:54:50,486 --> 00:54:50,400 preserve given that they may they may 1453 00:54:50,400 --> 00:54:52,622 have more numbers than us or may end up 1454 00:54:52,622 --> 00:54:54,678 with more numbers than us in certain 1455 00:54:54,678 --> 00:54:56,844 cases . Uh , answer me this , I mean , 1456 00:54:56,844 --> 00:54:58,956 let's talk about the rate of moderate 1457 00:54:58,956 --> 00:55:00,956 modernization . What is the rate of 1458 00:55:00,956 --> 00:55:00,850 their modernization of their military 1459 00:55:00,850 --> 00:55:04,790 assets compared to ours ? Uh , We 1460 00:55:04,790 --> 00:55:06,679 could get you information for the 1461 00:55:06,679 --> 00:55:08,457 record if you have questions on 1462 00:55:08,457 --> 00:55:10,290 particular aspects , Do you mean 1463 00:55:10,290 --> 00:55:12,346 aircraft ship or what , what kind of 1464 00:55:12,346 --> 00:55:14,068 assets in particular ? We will 1465 00:55:14,068 --> 00:55:16,012 ascertain to get that for you ? Of 1466 00:55:16,012 --> 00:55:18,068 course . These would be intelligence 1467 00:55:18,068 --> 00:55:20,290 estimates . Okay , fair enough . Let me 1468 00:55:20,290 --> 00:55:22,401 ask you a question based upon current 1469 00:55:22,401 --> 00:55:24,512 spending levels outlined by the biden 1470 00:55:24,512 --> 00:55:26,512 administration . If we were to play 1471 00:55:26,512 --> 00:55:26,480 this out over several years , I'm quite 1472 00:55:26,480 --> 00:55:28,536 sure . Mr Under secretary , you have 1473 00:55:28,536 --> 00:55:30,647 the experience , you've been , you've 1474 00:55:30,647 --> 00:55:32,924 been in the game for for for some time , 1475 00:55:32,924 --> 00:55:35,147 um , about how many years would it take 1476 00:55:35,147 --> 00:55:37,313 for the chinese military to catch us ? 1477 00:55:38,240 --> 00:55:40,462 Well , our goal is our goal is for them 1478 00:55:40,462 --> 00:55:43,140 never to have capability larger than 1479 00:55:43,140 --> 00:55:45,196 ours . Uh There's two factors here . 1480 00:55:45,196 --> 00:55:47,196 There's there's our economic growth 1481 00:55:47,196 --> 00:55:49,362 which has been substantial in recent , 1482 00:55:49,362 --> 00:55:51,196 in recent , not just years , but 1483 00:55:51,196 --> 00:55:53,196 decades , that gives them a greater 1484 00:55:53,196 --> 00:55:55,196 capability to uh you know , to draw 1485 00:55:55,196 --> 00:55:57,251 into resource . And then there's the 1486 00:55:57,251 --> 00:55:59,418 specific military technology , some of 1487 00:55:59,418 --> 00:56:01,362 which has been developed , some of 1488 00:56:01,362 --> 00:56:03,362 which has been relied on technology 1489 00:56:03,362 --> 00:56:05,473 stolen from us . So there's there's a 1490 00:56:05,473 --> 00:56:07,696 there's the whole cyber security aspect 1491 00:56:07,696 --> 00:56:09,584 as well that we have to take into 1492 00:56:09,584 --> 00:56:11,696 account . The goal is for the chinese 1493 00:56:11,696 --> 00:56:13,696 government never to think that they 1494 00:56:13,696 --> 00:56:15,918 have an opportunity to overmatch us and 1495 00:56:15,918 --> 00:56:18,140 and therefore have that influence their 1496 00:56:18,140 --> 00:56:20,307 thinking and have them take risk . You 1497 00:56:20,307 --> 00:56:22,362 know , thinking that , thinking that 1498 00:56:22,362 --> 00:56:24,529 the risk are greater are smaller . I'm 1499 00:56:24,529 --> 00:56:26,696 sorry , than we do . No , I understand 1500 00:56:26,696 --> 00:56:28,918 that . I'm glad that you elaborated . I 1501 00:56:28,918 --> 00:56:30,973 really wanted to hear uh from you on 1502 00:56:30,973 --> 00:56:32,973 that , but I'm gonna ask it again , 1503 00:56:32,973 --> 00:56:36,020 based upon the spending levels in the 1504 00:56:36,020 --> 00:56:38,076 President's proposal and the rate of 1505 00:56:38,076 --> 00:56:40,242 spending that if we were could control 1506 00:56:40,242 --> 00:56:42,409 it essentially , we were going to take 1507 00:56:42,409 --> 00:56:44,409 the President's spending levels and 1508 00:56:44,409 --> 00:56:46,687 maintain that for a decade , let's say , 1509 00:56:46,687 --> 00:56:48,798 how long will it take for the chinese 1510 00:56:48,798 --> 00:56:50,964 military to achieve parity with us ? I 1511 00:56:50,964 --> 00:56:52,909 know the goal is for them never to 1512 00:56:52,909 --> 00:56:55,131 achieve parity with us , but you know , 1513 00:56:55,131 --> 00:56:54,410 if this is what the spending levels are 1514 00:56:54,410 --> 00:56:56,577 going to look like , how long would it 1515 00:56:56,577 --> 00:56:58,799 take for them to catch parody with us ? 1516 00:56:58,799 --> 00:57:00,743 Well , I don't think it's purely a 1517 00:57:00,743 --> 00:57:02,688 function of what we spend since it 1518 00:57:02,688 --> 00:57:02,650 depends on their actions as well as 1519 00:57:02,650 --> 00:57:04,817 ours . But we could try and get you an 1520 00:57:04,817 --> 00:57:07,039 estimate for the record . Let me answer 1521 00:57:07,039 --> 00:57:09,150 this question , looking at and I know 1522 00:57:09,150 --> 00:57:11,317 this is outside your purview , looking 1523 00:57:11,317 --> 00:57:13,539 at the entire federal proposal from the 1524 00:57:13,539 --> 00:57:15,483 President considering that we have 1525 00:57:15,483 --> 00:57:17,650 inflation issues . Considering that we 1526 00:57:17,650 --> 00:57:17,460 could potentially have an issue where 1527 00:57:17,530 --> 00:57:19,419 interest on the debt , Medicare , 1528 00:57:19,419 --> 00:57:21,586 Social Security , also cried out other 1529 00:57:21,586 --> 00:57:23,880 federal spending if our military 1530 00:57:23,880 --> 00:57:27,080 spending capability is constrained by 1531 00:57:27,090 --> 00:57:29,350 outside spending in other parts of the 1532 00:57:29,360 --> 00:57:31,570 federal government , do you think that 1533 00:57:31,570 --> 00:57:35,190 puts us in a competition issue with the 1534 00:57:35,190 --> 00:57:37,246 Chinese military ? Sometime over the 1535 00:57:37,246 --> 00:57:39,450 next decade . I would agree that we 1536 00:57:39,450 --> 00:57:41,580 that we have we have we have a fiscal 1537 00:57:41,580 --> 00:57:43,580 risk if you want to call it that of 1538 00:57:43,580 --> 00:57:45,469 interest on the debt of inflation 1539 00:57:45,469 --> 00:57:47,358 increases , that could change the 1540 00:57:47,358 --> 00:57:49,302 fiscal picture . We have enjoyed a 1541 00:57:49,302 --> 00:57:49,240 period where we've had , you know , 1542 00:57:49,240 --> 00:57:51,351 large increases in the debt since the 1543 00:57:51,351 --> 00:57:53,407 financial crisis of 2008 , that have 1544 00:57:53,407 --> 00:57:55,440 seen very historically low interest 1545 00:57:55,440 --> 00:57:57,496 rates that have not really blossomed 1546 00:57:57,496 --> 00:57:59,329 into , into interest on the debt 1547 00:57:59,329 --> 00:58:01,273 consuming an inordinate inordinate 1548 00:58:01,273 --> 00:58:03,607 pound of the part of the federal budget . 1549 00:58:03,607 --> 00:58:03,540 But that is something that could change . 1550 00:58:03,540 --> 00:58:05,540 And I believe Treasury Department , 1551 00:58:05,540 --> 00:58:07,651 others are looking at that . So yes , 1552 00:58:07,651 --> 00:58:09,262 there is a there is a risk , 1553 00:58:09,262 --> 00:58:08,940 particularly good question . Good 1554 00:58:08,940 --> 00:58:10,940 question . Not to cut you off if we 1555 00:58:10,940 --> 00:58:13,051 don't get our fiscal house in order . 1556 00:58:13,051 --> 00:58:15,162 Does that hurt the military's mission 1557 00:58:15,162 --> 00:58:17,218 long term to protect our nation ? It 1558 00:58:17,218 --> 00:58:17,200 does , it does increase the risk . 1559 00:58:17,200 --> 00:58:19,640 Absolutely . Thank you . Are you back ? 1560 00:58:19,650 --> 00:58:21,594 The Germans time has expired . Now 1561 00:58:21,594 --> 00:58:23,872 recognize the gentleman from Wisconsin , 1562 00:58:23,872 --> 00:58:25,594 Mr Grossman for five minutes . 1563 00:58:27,620 --> 00:58:30,530 Um , We'll start out with Vice Admiral . 1564 00:58:31,020 --> 00:58:33,750 Um , I'm not an expert on military 1565 00:58:33,750 --> 00:58:35,639 matters at all , was never in the 1566 00:58:35,639 --> 00:58:37,750 military . Nevertheless , when I read 1567 00:58:37,750 --> 00:58:40,110 about the Battle of Midway , you know , 1568 00:58:40,110 --> 00:58:41,999 there are people who say that the 1569 00:58:41,999 --> 00:58:44,166 battle of Midway for japanese carriers 1570 00:58:44,166 --> 00:58:47,810 going down so quickly , um , kind of 1571 00:58:47,820 --> 00:58:49,764 showed that aircraft carriers were 1572 00:58:49,764 --> 00:58:51,653 highly overrated and maybe I even 1573 00:58:51,653 --> 00:58:55,290 obsolete 80 years ago . Um , 1574 00:58:55,300 --> 00:58:58,290 from what I've read , even though we 1575 00:58:58,290 --> 00:59:00,300 spend a lot of money on , on ships 1576 00:59:00,300 --> 00:59:02,340 protecting the aircraft carriers , 1577 00:59:02,820 --> 00:59:06,040 modern missiles would 1578 00:59:06,520 --> 00:59:08,420 provide a big problem for these 1579 00:59:08,420 --> 00:59:10,770 aircraft . Here's how many , how many , 1580 00:59:10,780 --> 00:59:14,140 uh , military people on an aircraft 1581 00:59:14,140 --> 00:59:16,362 carrier ? One of the big ones , The new 1582 00:59:16,362 --> 00:59:18,660 ones . Well , yeah , if you think about 1583 00:59:18,660 --> 00:59:20,882 the carrier itself in the , in the crew 1584 00:59:20,882 --> 00:59:22,938 and the air wing , it's roughly 5000 1585 00:59:22,938 --> 00:59:25,950 ish . Okay , So whenever I see us here , 1586 00:59:25,950 --> 00:59:27,783 what do we have 14 , 15 aircraft 1587 00:59:27,783 --> 00:59:30,390 carriers out there right now ? Um , I 1588 00:59:30,390 --> 00:59:32,590 wonder in a real rock em sock and big 1589 00:59:32,590 --> 00:59:35,840 war how long they last 1590 00:59:36,420 --> 00:59:39,030 and two if 1591 00:59:40,720 --> 00:59:42,831 other countries would be able to sink 1592 00:59:42,831 --> 00:59:45,190 them quickly , you have such a huge 1593 00:59:45,190 --> 00:59:49,020 loss of life so quickly . Do you care 1594 00:59:49,020 --> 00:59:52,730 to comment on the rather large number 1595 00:59:52,730 --> 00:59:54,670 of , we've got to be number one 1596 00:59:54,670 --> 00:59:56,781 military in the world . I'll say that 1597 00:59:56,781 --> 00:59:58,726 no matter what , we have got to be 1598 00:59:58,726 --> 01:00:00,892 number one , Which is why that kind of 1599 01:00:00,892 --> 01:00:03,059 bothers me because you can think of 15 1600 01:00:03,059 --> 01:00:05,059 aircraft carriers like this and not 1601 01:00:05,059 --> 01:00:07,400 stupid people . You will agree that in 1602 01:00:07,400 --> 01:00:10,440 a real Rockem sockem war with a really 1603 01:00:11,010 --> 01:00:14,080 top flight country like china like 1604 01:00:14,080 --> 01:00:17,980 Russia . Um , they might not last 1605 01:00:17,980 --> 01:00:20,600 too long . Do you think we're maybe 1606 01:00:20,860 --> 01:00:24,560 have too many aircraft carrier ? We're 1607 01:00:24,560 --> 01:00:26,838 two aircraft carrier . Heavy out there . 1608 01:00:27,610 --> 01:00:30,270 Thank you , congressman . Thank you , 1609 01:00:30,270 --> 01:00:32,250 Congressman . Uh , having been a 1610 01:00:32,250 --> 01:00:34,361 carrier strike of commander , I first 1611 01:00:34,361 --> 01:00:36,583 had firsthand kind of knowledge of what 1612 01:00:36,583 --> 01:00:38,861 the capability the aircraft carrier is . 1613 01:00:38,861 --> 01:00:40,861 Uh , some of this question will get 1614 01:00:40,861 --> 01:00:40,210 into the classified realm and we're 1615 01:00:40,210 --> 01:00:42,488 happy to come speak to you but broadly , 1616 01:00:42,488 --> 01:00:44,377 uh I can tell you that one of the 1617 01:00:44,377 --> 01:00:46,599 advantages of the U . S . Way of war is 1618 01:00:46,599 --> 01:00:48,766 the way we fight as a joint all domain 1619 01:00:48,766 --> 01:00:50,877 force and all domain and of which the 1620 01:00:50,877 --> 01:00:53,340 aircraft care is critical part of that . 1621 01:00:53,350 --> 01:00:55,920 Uh One of the things that concerns us , 1622 01:00:55,920 --> 01:00:58,142 it's not just for the aircraft care but 1623 01:00:58,142 --> 01:01:00,253 with all capabilities in the specific 1624 01:01:00,253 --> 01:01:02,309 as the advent of long range missiles 1625 01:01:02,309 --> 01:01:04,420 systems , the attacking the space all 1626 01:01:04,420 --> 01:01:06,560 those things kind of contribute to a 1627 01:01:06,570 --> 01:01:08,681 challenge for us in many domains . So 1628 01:01:08,681 --> 01:01:10,903 to your point it is on us to figure out 1629 01:01:10,903 --> 01:01:13,170 how we most effectively fight that 1630 01:01:13,170 --> 01:01:16,520 force in the future Given the changing 1631 01:01:16,520 --> 01:01:19,110 threat and and what we have to kind of 1632 01:01:19,110 --> 01:01:21,221 get after that threat . So uh today's 1633 01:01:21,221 --> 01:01:23,277 11 aircraft carriers are are part of 1634 01:01:23,277 --> 01:01:25,850 our plan , how that changes over time 1635 01:01:25,860 --> 01:01:27,804 is something that will continue to 1636 01:01:27,804 --> 01:01:30,270 evaluate . I would just add congressman 1637 01:01:30,270 --> 01:01:32,437 and an important part of from , from a 1638 01:01:32,437 --> 01:01:34,603 chinese perspective of trying to deter 1639 01:01:34,603 --> 01:01:36,659 your enemies to make us believe that 1640 01:01:36,659 --> 01:01:38,437 our carriers are vulnerable and 1641 01:01:38,437 --> 01:01:40,548 therefore make us think that we would 1642 01:01:40,548 --> 01:01:42,659 not be wise to get our carriers close 1643 01:01:42,659 --> 01:01:44,659 to where you know , to the , to the 1644 01:01:44,659 --> 01:01:46,603 theater there and so to put in our 1645 01:01:46,603 --> 01:01:48,770 heads that it won't work . Therefore I 1646 01:01:48,770 --> 01:01:51,103 shouldn't , I shouldn't use my carriers . 1647 01:01:51,103 --> 01:01:53,103 So that's and us countering that is 1648 01:01:53,103 --> 01:01:55,381 equally important from our perspective . 1649 01:01:55,381 --> 01:01:58,060 Okay , my next question for honor roll , 1650 01:01:58,070 --> 01:02:01,050 Michael McCord is , you know , we've 1651 01:02:01,050 --> 01:02:03,161 talked a little bit about today about 1652 01:02:03,161 --> 01:02:05,161 the importance of diversity and the 1653 01:02:05,161 --> 01:02:07,328 importance of critical race theory and 1654 01:02:07,328 --> 01:02:09,217 I've talked to some people in the 1655 01:02:09,217 --> 01:02:11,439 military who are bothered as benefits . 1656 01:02:11,439 --> 01:02:13,383 Some people went through our , our 1657 01:02:13,383 --> 01:02:15,606 military academies and felt there was a 1658 01:02:15,606 --> 01:02:17,661 little bit too much emphasis on this 1659 01:02:17,661 --> 01:02:20,370 sort of thing . One of the concerns of 1660 01:02:20,380 --> 01:02:22,436 spending a lot of time talking about 1661 01:02:22,436 --> 01:02:26,210 this Is that perhaps one May promote 1662 01:02:26,210 --> 01:02:28,099 people or put positions of people 1663 01:02:28,099 --> 01:02:31,010 authority based on the boxes they check 1664 01:02:31,020 --> 01:02:33,131 rather than the best person for the , 1665 01:02:33,131 --> 01:02:35,590 for the job . Are you confident that 1666 01:02:35,590 --> 01:02:37,590 none of that is going on in today's 1667 01:02:37,590 --> 01:02:40,810 military ? I think our military remains 1668 01:02:40,810 --> 01:02:42,550 one of the most meritocratic 1669 01:02:42,550 --> 01:02:44,470 institutions in the country . The 1670 01:02:44,480 --> 01:02:46,536 secretary's concern is that when you 1671 01:02:46,536 --> 01:02:48,702 get to the top , although the force is 1672 01:02:48,702 --> 01:02:50,869 very diverse , the top is still not as 1673 01:02:50,869 --> 01:02:52,980 diverse as the force that they lied . 1674 01:02:52,980 --> 01:02:55,147 And I think that's one of his , one of 1675 01:02:55,147 --> 01:02:57,369 his focus areas . She tries to make the 1676 01:02:57,369 --> 01:02:59,313 forest better . Yeah . I talked to 1677 01:02:59,313 --> 01:03:01,480 somebody recently and I really want to 1678 01:03:01,480 --> 01:03:03,591 tell you which academy was from . But 1679 01:03:03,591 --> 01:03:05,869 they felt Uh , that was the top person . 1680 01:03:05,869 --> 01:03:08,220 The # two person there's some guy uh , 1681 01:03:08,700 --> 01:03:12,310 was so diversity obsessed , um , that 1682 01:03:12,310 --> 01:03:14,421 perhaps some decisions were made that 1683 01:03:14,421 --> 01:03:16,643 shouldn't be made , but you don't think 1684 01:03:16,643 --> 01:03:18,810 that's happening . I think that is not 1685 01:03:18,810 --> 01:03:20,699 true at large within the military 1686 01:03:20,699 --> 01:03:22,643 promotion system now . I think , I 1687 01:03:22,643 --> 01:03:24,588 think that it's , it's very much a 1688 01:03:24,588 --> 01:03:26,810 capability and merit based system . You 1689 01:03:26,810 --> 01:03:29,143 want to come in there . Service Admiral . 1690 01:03:29,143 --> 01:03:31,980 I would agree . I mean our system is 1691 01:03:31,980 --> 01:03:33,950 designed to be as fair as we can 1692 01:03:33,950 --> 01:03:37,230 possibly make it . And I think that is 1693 01:03:37,230 --> 01:03:40,210 exactly what we , that expectations put 1694 01:03:40,210 --> 01:03:42,432 throughout our force and in every level 1695 01:03:42,432 --> 01:03:44,543 I think we expect we're a meritocracy 1696 01:03:44,543 --> 01:03:46,599 and you should rise based on how you 1697 01:03:46,599 --> 01:03:48,599 have performed period . And I think 1698 01:03:48,599 --> 01:03:51,590 that is the overarching desire . But 1699 01:03:51,590 --> 01:03:53,812 you still have to , I think address the 1700 01:03:53,812 --> 01:03:56,034 fact that the statistics aren't great . 1701 01:03:56,034 --> 01:03:58,090 Uh , and so why does that happen ? I 1702 01:03:58,090 --> 01:04:00,146 think we don't know . And so I think 1703 01:04:00,146 --> 01:04:02,368 it's worthwhile to for us to understand 1704 01:04:02,368 --> 01:04:04,312 it . Okay , thank you for the five 1705 01:04:04,312 --> 01:04:06,479 minutes . Chairman's time is expired . 1706 01:04:06,479 --> 01:04:08,534 Now recognize we're home stretch one 1707 01:04:08,534 --> 01:04:10,701 more Republican witness and questioner 1708 01:04:10,701 --> 01:04:12,923 and then me . So uh , now recognize the 1709 01:04:12,923 --> 01:04:15,146 gentleman from Virginia . Mr . Good for 1710 01:04:15,146 --> 01:04:17,201 five minutes . Thank you Mr Chairman 1711 01:04:17,201 --> 01:04:19,368 and thank you to both of our witnesses 1712 01:04:19,368 --> 01:04:21,534 for being here today and also for your 1713 01:04:21,534 --> 01:04:23,201 service that is of such great 1714 01:04:23,201 --> 01:04:25,368 importance to keep our nation safe and 1715 01:04:25,368 --> 01:04:27,201 secure . I'm going to pose a few 1716 01:04:27,201 --> 01:04:29,257 questions that will build on some of 1717 01:04:29,257 --> 01:04:31,368 those earlier today by my friend from 1718 01:04:31,368 --> 01:04:33,146 Georgia Mr carter . As you both 1719 01:04:33,146 --> 01:04:35,257 probably know Admiral Michael Gilda , 1720 01:04:35,257 --> 01:04:37,423 Chief of Naval Operations has released 1721 01:04:37,423 --> 01:04:39,646 a professional reading program list for 1722 01:04:39,646 --> 01:04:42,050 the military that included uh , Abram 1723 01:04:42,050 --> 01:04:44,560 Kendis book titled How to be an anti 1724 01:04:44,560 --> 01:04:47,380 racist In his book . Mr Kennedy states , 1725 01:04:47,390 --> 01:04:49,650 quote . The only remedy to racist 1726 01:04:49,650 --> 01:04:51,317 discrimination is anti racist 1727 01:04:51,317 --> 01:04:53,372 discrimination . The only remedy the 1728 01:04:53,372 --> 01:04:55,094 past discrimination is present 1729 01:04:55,094 --> 01:04:57,094 discrimination . The only remedy to 1730 01:04:57,094 --> 01:04:58,928 present discrimination is future 1731 01:04:58,928 --> 01:04:58,810 discrimination . End , quote , 1732 01:04:59,190 --> 01:05:01,301 Secretary McCord . Do you believe the 1733 01:05:01,301 --> 01:05:03,468 american taxpayers should be forced to 1734 01:05:03,468 --> 01:05:05,468 pay for this critical race theory ? 1735 01:05:05,468 --> 01:05:06,801 Training for military ? 1736 01:05:08,690 --> 01:05:10,746 Uh , congressman . I'm not sure that 1737 01:05:10,746 --> 01:05:12,746 what you're describing involves any 1738 01:05:12,746 --> 01:05:14,912 taxpayer funds . If the CNL recommends 1739 01:05:14,912 --> 01:05:17,079 that sailors read a book , so the book 1740 01:05:17,079 --> 01:05:19,134 would not be provided if selected by 1741 01:05:19,134 --> 01:05:20,912 the military . I don't have any 1742 01:05:20,912 --> 01:05:23,246 information on how the navy treats that . 1743 01:05:23,246 --> 01:05:22,710 But we could get that back to you on 1744 01:05:22,710 --> 01:05:24,790 the record . For that . Continue to 1745 01:05:24,790 --> 01:05:27,300 hear anecdotally from members of the 1746 01:05:27,300 --> 01:05:29,300 military that I know in my district 1747 01:05:29,300 --> 01:05:31,133 about critical race theory being 1748 01:05:31,133 --> 01:05:33,300 promoted in the military . How do you 1749 01:05:33,300 --> 01:05:35,330 think critical race theory training 1750 01:05:35,340 --> 01:05:36,896 would impact our military's 1751 01:05:36,896 --> 01:05:38,729 preparedness and ability to face 1752 01:05:38,729 --> 01:05:41,870 threats such as Communist china ? I'm 1753 01:05:41,870 --> 01:05:43,703 not aware that it is part of our 1754 01:05:43,703 --> 01:05:45,814 training programs . So that's sort of 1755 01:05:45,814 --> 01:05:47,926 hypothetical , would you believe that 1756 01:05:47,926 --> 01:05:50,203 critical race training , spending time , 1757 01:05:50,203 --> 01:05:52,203 effort , resources on critical race 1758 01:05:52,203 --> 01:05:54,370 training theory and our military would 1759 01:05:54,370 --> 01:05:53,540 be beneficial to helping our 1760 01:05:53,540 --> 01:05:56,040 preparedness ? I think understanding 1761 01:05:56,040 --> 01:05:58,170 diversity issues in training and that 1762 01:05:58,170 --> 01:06:00,337 respect is probably useful . I don't I 1763 01:06:00,337 --> 01:06:02,448 don't think that's part of our plan , 1764 01:06:02,448 --> 01:06:04,114 though , is is is what you're 1765 01:06:04,114 --> 01:06:05,781 describing is not part of the 1766 01:06:05,781 --> 01:06:07,837 Secretary's initiative . It's sad to 1767 01:06:07,837 --> 01:06:09,726 hear about it because I have long 1768 01:06:09,726 --> 01:06:11,837 believed , and I did not serve as you 1769 01:06:11,837 --> 01:06:15,040 have admiral . Uh but uh , our military 1770 01:06:15,040 --> 01:06:16,984 for years to have a decade admired 1771 01:06:16,984 --> 01:06:19,290 being ahead of the curve on integration 1772 01:06:19,290 --> 01:06:21,830 and merit based opportunities and and 1773 01:06:21,830 --> 01:06:23,997 the military has been a model for that 1774 01:06:23,997 --> 01:06:25,830 for for decades in our history , 1775 01:06:25,830 --> 01:06:27,274 thankfully . Uh The biden 1776 01:06:27,274 --> 01:06:29,608 administration though has shown I think , 1777 01:06:29,608 --> 01:06:31,386 weakness in the face of china , 1778 01:06:31,386 --> 01:06:33,608 seemingly taking a penitent approach in 1779 01:06:33,608 --> 01:06:35,719 response to china's criticism back in 1780 01:06:35,719 --> 01:06:37,941 March when Secretary State Lincoln said 1781 01:06:37,941 --> 01:06:39,941 quote , we're not perfect , we make 1782 01:06:39,941 --> 01:06:39,890 mistakes , we have reversals . We take 1783 01:06:39,890 --> 01:06:42,680 step back steps back unquote . Earlier 1784 01:06:42,680 --> 01:06:44,680 this month , President biden stated 1785 01:06:44,680 --> 01:06:46,347 that quote , according to the 1786 01:06:46,347 --> 01:06:48,458 intelligence community terrorism from 1787 01:06:48,458 --> 01:06:50,402 white supremacy is the most lethal 1788 01:06:50,402 --> 01:06:52,736 threat to the homeland today , Not ISIS , 1789 01:06:52,736 --> 01:06:55,560 not Al Qaeda White supremacist unquote . 1790 01:06:55,570 --> 01:06:59,140 Earlier this month . He also said he 1791 01:06:59,140 --> 01:07:01,140 told our troops that climate change 1792 01:07:01,140 --> 01:07:03,084 when he was overseas in the United 1793 01:07:03,084 --> 01:07:04,918 Kingdom . Climate change was the 1794 01:07:04,918 --> 01:07:07,084 biggest threat to the country . And so 1795 01:07:07,084 --> 01:07:09,307 it concerns me that this administration 1796 01:07:09,307 --> 01:07:11,418 appears to be more focused on climate 1797 01:07:11,418 --> 01:07:13,418 change and criticizing an undefined 1798 01:07:13,418 --> 01:07:15,362 extremism in our own military than 1799 01:07:15,362 --> 01:07:17,362 standing up to entities such as the 1800 01:07:17,362 --> 01:07:19,418 most pressing threat Communist china 1801 01:07:19,418 --> 01:07:21,800 Admiral Box . All I won't ask you about 1802 01:07:21,800 --> 01:07:24,022 the climate change , supposed threat of 1803 01:07:24,022 --> 01:07:26,244 that being uh such a great threat . But 1804 01:07:26,244 --> 01:07:28,300 do you believe that extremism in the 1805 01:07:28,300 --> 01:07:31,130 military is a more pressing threat than 1806 01:07:31,140 --> 01:07:35,080 Communist china ? For example , I 1807 01:07:35,080 --> 01:07:37,160 have stated already that I believe 1808 01:07:37,170 --> 01:07:39,640 again from my view as a military member , 1809 01:07:39,650 --> 01:07:43,090 the threats from Russia and china 1810 01:07:43,100 --> 01:07:45,322 remain near the top . We are engaged in 1811 01:07:45,322 --> 01:07:47,370 a strategy review that will will 1812 01:07:47,380 --> 01:07:49,491 validate , you know , what we believe 1813 01:07:49,491 --> 01:07:51,713 is the department and what we recommend 1814 01:07:51,713 --> 01:07:53,658 by the secretary , chairman to the 1815 01:07:53,658 --> 01:07:55,547 secretary as they go through that 1816 01:07:55,547 --> 01:07:57,713 review will be part of that . Uh and I 1817 01:07:57,713 --> 01:07:57,530 think we'll put those in the right 1818 01:07:57,540 --> 01:08:00,740 perspectives . Uh So I feel confident 1819 01:08:00,740 --> 01:08:02,962 that we will we will have those as they 1820 01:08:02,962 --> 01:08:05,000 have been in 2018 we saw a National 1821 01:08:05,000 --> 01:08:07,020 Defense Strategy review that uh you 1822 01:08:07,020 --> 01:08:09,187 know , a lot of that will remain valid 1823 01:08:09,187 --> 01:08:11,320 as we move into the next few years . 1824 01:08:11,330 --> 01:08:13,330 That's what I expected to answer to 1825 01:08:13,330 --> 01:08:15,497 being . It's reassuring to hear that . 1826 01:08:15,497 --> 01:08:17,663 I appreciate that sir , the Department 1827 01:08:17,663 --> 01:08:17,330 of Defense recently convened a 1828 01:08:17,330 --> 01:08:20,120 countering extremism working group to 1829 01:08:20,120 --> 01:08:22,287 quote , better understand the scope of 1830 01:08:22,287 --> 01:08:24,509 the problem of extremism , the military 1831 01:08:24,509 --> 01:08:26,620 uh admiral box . Do you know what the 1832 01:08:26,620 --> 01:08:28,620 definition of the extremism is that 1833 01:08:28,620 --> 01:08:30,731 this working group plans to study ? I 1834 01:08:30,731 --> 01:08:33,230 do not , but I can tell you that the 1835 01:08:33,240 --> 01:08:35,129 chairman , you may have heard him 1836 01:08:35,129 --> 01:08:37,400 yesterday as he spoke and I stand 1837 01:08:37,400 --> 01:08:39,490 behind that 100% . Uh you know , he 1838 01:08:39,490 --> 01:08:41,690 like all of us in uniform wonder , you 1839 01:08:41,690 --> 01:08:44,290 know , exactly what what was driving 1840 01:08:44,290 --> 01:08:46,623 some of the actions we all saw and were , 1841 01:08:46,623 --> 01:08:48,846 you know , frankly very concerned by on 1842 01:08:48,846 --> 01:08:51,670 in january 6th and and , you know , we 1843 01:08:51,670 --> 01:08:53,837 have to look at the facts and the data 1844 01:08:53,837 --> 01:08:56,003 and they say that there was a military 1845 01:08:56,003 --> 01:08:58,140 uh , membership of that . And I think 1846 01:08:58,150 --> 01:09:00,480 it causes us to force ourselves to look 1847 01:09:00,480 --> 01:09:02,470 inward and determine how does that 1848 01:09:02,470 --> 01:09:04,637 occur . And is there something that we 1849 01:09:04,637 --> 01:09:06,914 could do to ensure that , uh , that we , 1850 01:09:06,914 --> 01:09:08,803 that we make sure that we've done 1851 01:09:08,803 --> 01:09:10,859 everything we can to eliminate those 1852 01:09:10,859 --> 01:09:12,914 things which are prejudicial to good 1853 01:09:12,914 --> 01:09:15,026 order and discipline in our service . 1854 01:09:15,026 --> 01:09:17,137 Thank you . I want to just express my 1855 01:09:17,137 --> 01:09:19,248 views and I believe the views of most 1856 01:09:19,248 --> 01:09:21,303 americans that were in great debt of 1857 01:09:21,303 --> 01:09:23,414 gratitude to our military . Thank you 1858 01:09:23,414 --> 01:09:23,380 every day for you to keep us safe . And 1859 01:09:23,380 --> 01:09:25,547 very concerned , disappointed with how 1860 01:09:25,547 --> 01:09:27,547 the military has been disparaged by 1861 01:09:27,547 --> 01:09:29,769 some in his administration in this past 1862 01:09:29,769 --> 01:09:29,570 six months . So , thank you very much 1863 01:09:29,570 --> 01:09:31,681 for being with us today . Gentleman's 1864 01:09:31,681 --> 01:09:33,848 time has expired and apparently I lied 1865 01:09:33,848 --> 01:09:36,370 Mr moulton from massachusetts uh is 1866 01:09:36,370 --> 01:09:38,370 entitled to his five minutes . So I 1867 01:09:38,370 --> 01:09:41,350 yield those to him now . Thank you . Mr 1868 01:09:41,350 --> 01:09:43,350 Chairman . Can you hear me ? Okay ? 1869 01:09:45,270 --> 01:09:48,990 Well , unlike , unlike my colleague who 1870 01:09:48,990 --> 01:09:52,310 just spoke , I am a veteran um and I am 1871 01:09:52,310 --> 01:09:54,477 very proud of my service in the United 1872 01:09:54,477 --> 01:09:56,588 States Supreme Court . I'm very proud 1873 01:09:56,588 --> 01:09:58,588 of all the troops who are out there 1874 01:09:58,588 --> 01:10:00,699 serving today . And I'm very proud of 1875 01:10:00,699 --> 01:10:02,921 the Marine Corps in general . But I can 1876 01:10:02,921 --> 01:10:04,866 tell you for certain that there is 1877 01:10:04,866 --> 01:10:06,921 racism in our military today . Uh It 1878 01:10:06,921 --> 01:10:09,032 hurts our operational effectiveness . 1879 01:10:09,032 --> 01:10:12,260 Uh It makes us a less capable force and 1880 01:10:12,260 --> 01:10:13,982 I admire the leadership of our 1881 01:10:13,982 --> 01:10:16,300 Department of Defense as articulated so 1882 01:10:16,300 --> 01:10:18,244 brilliantly by the Chairman of the 1883 01:10:18,244 --> 01:10:20,189 Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mill 1884 01:10:20,189 --> 01:10:22,189 yesterday in the hearing before our 1885 01:10:22,189 --> 01:10:24,356 House Armed Services Committee uh that 1886 01:10:24,356 --> 01:10:27,320 attacking this problem is time well 1887 01:10:27,320 --> 01:10:29,600 spent . But I think what's most 1888 01:10:29,600 --> 01:10:31,820 shocking about this moment in american 1889 01:10:31,820 --> 01:10:34,590 history is I cannot think of a better 1890 01:10:34,590 --> 01:10:38,000 example of cancel culture than 1891 01:10:38,010 --> 01:10:40,730 republicans in Congress trying to tell 1892 01:10:40,740 --> 01:10:43,230 our military academies what books you 1893 01:10:43,230 --> 01:10:45,341 should read and what books you should 1894 01:10:45,341 --> 01:10:47,930 not . There is nothing that sets us 1895 01:10:47,930 --> 01:10:50,530 apart more from communist china , no 1896 01:10:50,530 --> 01:10:53,110 greater advantage that we have as 1897 01:10:53,110 --> 01:10:55,420 americans as the United States military 1898 01:10:55,430 --> 01:10:57,980 than our ability to think critically . 1899 01:10:59,360 --> 01:11:01,416 I thought we got past McCarthyism in 1900 01:11:01,416 --> 01:11:04,280 the 1950s , this is the kind of 1901 01:11:04,280 --> 01:11:06,480 discussion that you expect to have a 1902 01:11:06,490 --> 01:11:09,740 communist china where they do censor 1903 01:11:09,750 --> 01:11:13,480 what their citizens read , they dictate 1904 01:11:14,160 --> 01:11:17,170 how educational institutions are to be 1905 01:11:17,170 --> 01:11:19,080 run and what is to be taught . 1906 01:11:21,160 --> 01:11:23,540 It is unbelievably un american and 1907 01:11:23,540 --> 01:11:26,780 unpatriotic to be doing that here . 1908 01:11:29,560 --> 01:11:32,570 Yeah , A budget of course , is a 1909 01:11:32,570 --> 01:11:35,910 statement of your values and if you 1910 01:11:35,910 --> 01:11:38,260 look at how this administration is 1911 01:11:38,260 --> 01:11:40,149 spending its budget , I have some 1912 01:11:40,149 --> 01:11:43,010 critical questions but clearly they are 1913 01:11:43,010 --> 01:11:45,690 prioritizing the fight against china . 1914 01:11:46,360 --> 01:11:49,040 Clearly they are prioritizing the 1915 01:11:49,040 --> 01:11:51,530 threat of Russia and they are trying to 1916 01:11:51,530 --> 01:11:53,880 balance that with the other threats 1917 01:11:54,360 --> 01:11:58,230 throughout the globe . Let's 1918 01:11:58,230 --> 01:12:01,910 not forget that our 1919 01:12:01,910 --> 01:12:04,570 previous trump president mr trump 1920 01:12:05,450 --> 01:12:07,617 disparaged the military . Almost every 1921 01:12:07,617 --> 01:12:11,340 day . He called our troops suckers 1922 01:12:11,410 --> 01:12:14,850 for volunteering , he called are killed 1923 01:12:14,850 --> 01:12:18,790 in action losers for having died on the 1924 01:12:18,790 --> 01:12:22,670 battlefield . So I'm pretty shocked 1925 01:12:23,150 --> 01:12:26,080 that my colleague on this committee 1926 01:12:26,080 --> 01:12:27,580 would talk about the biden 1927 01:12:27,580 --> 01:12:29,980 administration disparaging our troops . 1928 01:12:31,550 --> 01:12:34,970 Where is the evidence for that yet ? We 1929 01:12:34,970 --> 01:12:37,550 thought every single day from the trump 1930 01:12:37,550 --> 01:12:41,520 administration , I'd also like to point 1931 01:12:41,520 --> 01:12:43,631 out to ranking member smith and other 1932 01:12:43,631 --> 01:12:45,742 Republican members harping on the top 1933 01:12:45,742 --> 01:12:48,360 line . The President Biden increased 1934 01:12:48,370 --> 01:12:50,640 the D . O . D . budget this year by $11 1935 01:12:50,640 --> 01:12:53,030 billion . A $715 billion 1936 01:12:53,030 --> 01:12:56,840 $704 billion dollars a year 1937 01:12:56,840 --> 01:12:59,710 before . Remember what President Trump 1938 01:12:59,710 --> 01:13:03,480 did the budget in Fy 21 ? He decreased 1939 01:13:03,480 --> 01:13:07,300 it by one billion . started with 705 1940 01:13:07,310 --> 01:13:11,290 billion In Fy 20 . He cut it 1941 01:13:11,290 --> 01:13:14,980 down to 704 billion in Fy 21 . 1942 01:13:15,850 --> 01:13:17,850 So I think the ranking member might 1943 01:13:17,850 --> 01:13:19,930 want to be careful about who's hog 1944 01:13:19,930 --> 01:13:23,550 washing whom here when attacking an 1945 01:13:23,550 --> 01:13:26,170 administration for its budget plan . 1946 01:13:28,750 --> 01:13:31,240 Vice Admiral Box Hill . Earlier this 1947 01:13:31,240 --> 01:13:33,351 year , china's premier announced that 1948 01:13:33,351 --> 01:13:35,296 central government expenditures on 1949 01:13:35,296 --> 01:13:37,590 basic research will increase by 10.6% . 1950 01:13:37,590 --> 01:13:41,520 That's just basic research . Uh The 1951 01:13:41,520 --> 01:13:43,464 increase for total R . And D . The 1952 01:13:43,464 --> 01:13:45,520 bipartisan Future Defense Task Force 1953 01:13:45,520 --> 01:13:47,631 has emphasized that we need to invest 1954 01:13:47,631 --> 01:13:49,409 more in basic research to get a 1955 01:13:49,409 --> 01:13:51,576 competitive edge in the future . But I 1956 01:13:51,576 --> 01:13:53,576 am concerned about a detail of your 1957 01:13:53,576 --> 01:13:55,520 budget which is where where you're 1958 01:13:55,520 --> 01:13:58,340 cutting basic research . Uh Right now 1959 01:13:58,340 --> 01:14:00,360 it says you've got 6.1 billion . It 1960 01:14:00,360 --> 01:14:03,760 comes down from 6.4 to 6.7 . Um 1961 01:14:03,770 --> 01:14:06,940 Talk to me about that obviously later 1962 01:14:06,940 --> 01:14:08,884 stage R . And D . Is important and 1963 01:14:08,884 --> 01:14:11,230 you've increased funding for that . But 1964 01:14:11,230 --> 01:14:13,230 one of the clear conclusions of our 1965 01:14:13,230 --> 01:14:15,174 report is that we need funding for 1966 01:14:15,174 --> 01:14:17,230 research to increase increase across 1967 01:14:17,230 --> 01:14:19,290 the board if we're going to meet the 1968 01:14:19,290 --> 01:14:21,623 technological threat of our adversaries . 1969 01:14:23,840 --> 01:14:26,100 Thank you , sir . I would say that uh 1970 01:14:26,110 --> 01:14:28,220 this this does have , as you already 1971 01:14:28,220 --> 01:14:30,870 state much more focused effort in the 1972 01:14:30,870 --> 01:14:32,759 later part of the R . D . T . Any 1973 01:14:32,759 --> 01:14:34,703 network , the S and T . Part of it 1974 01:14:34,703 --> 01:14:36,759 probably didn't get the same share . 1975 01:14:36,759 --> 01:14:38,981 However , as you look towards having to 1976 01:14:38,981 --> 01:14:41,037 get to field capability more quickly 1977 01:14:41,037 --> 01:14:43,240 and how you want to get after it , you 1978 01:14:43,240 --> 01:14:45,296 kind of move from that general , the 1979 01:14:45,296 --> 01:14:47,073 research in the S and T . Basic 1980 01:14:47,073 --> 01:14:49,650 research and push it into the more 1981 01:14:49,660 --> 01:14:52,710 further right in the chain to uh into 1982 01:14:52,710 --> 01:14:54,932 prototyping and testing and development 1983 01:14:54,932 --> 01:14:57,154 of capabilities that will actually feel 1984 01:14:57,154 --> 01:14:59,266 more quickly . So uh it's a I think a 1985 01:14:59,266 --> 01:15:01,432 fair criticism for us to look and make 1986 01:15:01,432 --> 01:15:03,321 sure that we're properly balanced 1987 01:15:03,321 --> 01:15:05,543 between S . And T . And R . D . T . Any 1988 01:15:05,543 --> 01:15:07,710 but again , I think for what what I've 1989 01:15:07,710 --> 01:15:09,932 seen this year , given that this is the 1990 01:15:09,932 --> 01:15:11,877 largest budget increase in ever in 1991 01:15:11,877 --> 01:15:14,043 history and art , et any writ large uh 1992 01:15:14,043 --> 01:15:15,988 that I feel good about that from a 1993 01:15:15,988 --> 01:15:17,932 military perspective . Thank you , 1994 01:15:17,932 --> 01:15:19,654 Admiral . Thank you . Mr . Hey 1995 01:15:19,654 --> 01:15:21,710 gentleman's time has expired and now 1996 01:15:21,710 --> 01:15:23,932 you have myself 10 minutes which I will 1997 01:15:23,932 --> 01:15:25,821 not use . Um You all been patient 1998 01:15:25,821 --> 01:15:28,780 enough and long enough Mr moulton began 1999 01:15:28,780 --> 01:15:30,891 a part of a response that I was going 2000 01:15:30,891 --> 01:15:33,390 to give . And and I'm working from a 2001 01:15:33,400 --> 01:15:35,622 little bit different set of numbers and 2002 01:15:35,622 --> 01:15:37,844 he is he was dealing with discretionary 2003 01:15:37,844 --> 01:15:40,050 budget authority but in terms of the 2004 01:15:40,050 --> 01:15:43,400 function oh five oh um National Defense 2005 01:15:43,400 --> 01:15:45,560 Budget . Are you familiar with that ? 2006 01:15:46,840 --> 01:15:49,890 Mr McCord ? Yes . uh in the in the 2007 01:15:49,890 --> 01:15:53,340 president's uh president Trump's fiscal 2008 01:15:53,350 --> 01:15:57,040 21 budget request . Um Is it 2009 01:15:57,040 --> 01:15:59,150 accurate to say that his request was 2010 01:15:59,150 --> 01:16:03,080 for a .3% increase ? I 2011 01:16:03,080 --> 01:16:04,858 don't have the percentage at my 2012 01:16:04,858 --> 01:16:06,969 fingertips , chairman . But I believe 2013 01:16:06,969 --> 01:16:09,024 the the the percentage increase with 2014 01:16:09,024 --> 01:16:11,191 the change was very small . From 20 to 2015 01:16:11,191 --> 01:16:14,030 21 . Yes , exactly far below 1.6% . And 2016 01:16:14,040 --> 01:16:17,550 did you know whether in any of the 10 2017 01:16:17,550 --> 01:16:20,290 year budgets uh 10 fiscal years that 2018 01:16:20,290 --> 01:16:23,460 were Projected in his budget ? He got 2019 01:16:23,460 --> 01:16:26,430 anywhere near a 3-5% increase . Defense 2020 01:16:26,430 --> 01:16:30,130 budget . There were in the in the FY 2021 01:16:30,130 --> 01:16:32,700 1819 time frame . A large increase but 2022 01:16:32,700 --> 01:16:35,150 not so not so in the future projection 2023 01:16:35,160 --> 01:16:38,320 one did occur a few years ago . 2024 01:16:38,330 --> 01:16:42,300 And um you are you familiar with 2025 01:16:42,300 --> 01:16:44,690 the fact that it uh fiscal for fiscal 2026 01:16:44,690 --> 01:16:48,360 year 26 27 28 29 30 that uh 2027 01:16:48,370 --> 01:16:51,390 the president trump's budget request 2028 01:16:51,400 --> 01:16:55,380 projected no increase in real 2029 01:16:55,380 --> 01:16:58,150 terms . Yes , that's correct , exactly . 2030 01:16:58,530 --> 01:17:01,460 And isn't it ? Isen't it uh more 2031 01:17:01,460 --> 01:17:05,160 accurate to say that the 1.6% increases 2032 01:17:05,160 --> 01:17:08,610 really if you take out the the 2033 01:17:08,610 --> 01:17:10,510 expenses and the costs related to 2034 01:17:10,510 --> 01:17:13,590 Afghanistan And then applied the budget 2035 01:17:13,590 --> 01:17:15,790 request to all of the other activities 2036 01:17:15,790 --> 01:17:18,020 of the department minus that . That the 2037 01:17:18,020 --> 01:17:20,130 percentage would increase would be 2038 01:17:20,140 --> 01:17:22,790 significantly larger than 1.6% in terms 2039 01:17:22,790 --> 01:17:24,770 of the funding for the remaining 2040 01:17:24,770 --> 01:17:27,920 activities , I would agree that the 2041 01:17:27,930 --> 01:17:30,152 decrease in Afghanistan is probably the 2042 01:17:30,152 --> 01:17:32,374 biggest single year to year change that 2043 01:17:32,374 --> 01:17:34,920 we that we see . The number we add is 2044 01:17:34,920 --> 01:17:36,920 that's actually if you took out the 2045 01:17:36,920 --> 01:17:38,920 Afghanistan funding reallocate that 2046 01:17:38,920 --> 01:17:40,698 that as that to the rest of the 2047 01:17:40,698 --> 01:17:42,920 activities and it would actually mean a 2048 01:17:42,920 --> 01:17:44,809 3.6% increase in the total budget 2049 01:17:44,809 --> 01:17:48,760 request or remaining activities . I I 2050 01:17:48,760 --> 01:17:50,816 don't I don't believe the department 2051 01:17:50,816 --> 01:17:53,038 thought about it that way , but I don't 2052 01:17:53,038 --> 01:17:55,149 dispute your characterization . Thank 2053 01:17:55,149 --> 01:17:58,120 you . You know , a number of my 2054 01:17:58,120 --> 01:18:01,070 Republican colleagues have uh I 2055 01:18:01,070 --> 01:18:03,348 wouldn't say ridiculed but close to it . 2056 01:18:03,348 --> 01:18:06,710 Uh the allocation of $670 million 2057 01:18:06,710 --> 01:18:10,030 climate-related uh activities . 2058 01:18:10,520 --> 01:18:13,180 Uh What percentage approximately of the 2059 01:18:13,180 --> 01:18:15,402 total Defense Department budget ? Would 2060 01:18:15,402 --> 01:18:17,124 that represent ? That would be 2061 01:18:17,124 --> 01:18:20,330 approximately 1% . Would be 1% 10.1% . 2062 01:18:20,340 --> 01:18:23,200 1% . I'm sorry . 10.1% . Would you say 2063 01:18:23,200 --> 01:18:26,810 that The threat posed by climate change 2064 01:18:26,810 --> 01:18:28,910 represents more than .1% of all the 2065 01:18:28,910 --> 01:18:31,700 threats that we face ? I would , 2066 01:18:31,700 --> 01:18:33,756 especially if you if you think about 2067 01:18:33,756 --> 01:18:35,533 society at large the impacts on 2068 01:18:35,533 --> 01:18:37,700 agriculture and disruption , all those 2069 01:18:37,700 --> 01:18:39,922 things . Yes . And I do want to clarify 2070 01:18:39,922 --> 01:18:42,260 one thing . Mr Smucker referred to my 2071 01:18:42,260 --> 01:18:44,920 opening statement and questioned you as 2072 01:18:44,920 --> 01:18:46,920 to whether you thought that the two 2073 01:18:46,920 --> 01:18:49,031 thirds uh threat of two thirds of our 2074 01:18:49,031 --> 01:18:51,253 installations was accurate , you said , 2075 01:18:51,253 --> 01:18:52,800 depends on what kind of uh 2076 01:18:52,810 --> 01:18:55,032 installations we're talking about . And 2077 01:18:55,032 --> 01:18:57,610 what I referenced was the 79 Mission 2078 01:18:57,610 --> 01:18:59,750 Assurance priority installations . 2079 01:19:00,220 --> 01:19:02,780 Would you say that that that statement 2080 01:19:02,780 --> 01:19:05,450 about 2/3 of those 79 priority 2081 01:19:05,450 --> 01:19:07,580 installations was accurate . Being 2082 01:19:07,580 --> 01:19:09,802 threatened by climate ? Yes . If you're 2083 01:19:09,802 --> 01:19:11,747 looking if you're looking at those 2084 01:19:11,747 --> 01:19:13,913 larger installations with tend to tend 2085 01:19:13,913 --> 01:19:15,858 to fall much closer to the coast . 2086 01:19:15,858 --> 01:19:18,160 Thank you . And finally , I I told you 2087 01:19:18,160 --> 01:19:20,049 before , I wasn't gonna ask about 2088 01:19:20,049 --> 01:19:21,993 critical race theory , and I'm not 2089 01:19:21,993 --> 01:19:24,104 gonna ask about it , but I do have to 2090 01:19:24,104 --> 01:19:27,010 push back as mr moulton did on a couple 2091 01:19:27,010 --> 01:19:29,177 of things that were said and primarily 2092 01:19:29,177 --> 01:19:31,880 what we heard from Mr carter , um when 2093 01:19:31,880 --> 01:19:33,991 he posed the question , do you really 2094 01:19:33,991 --> 01:19:36,047 think it would that the troops would 2095 01:19:36,047 --> 01:19:37,991 feel it was worth fighting for our 2096 01:19:37,991 --> 01:19:41,130 country that studied critical waste 2097 01:19:41,130 --> 01:19:44,940 theory ? And I had to think 2098 01:19:45,620 --> 01:19:49,110 yo , was it worth , is it worth 2099 01:19:49,110 --> 01:19:51,221 fighting for a country that keeps its 2100 01:19:51,221 --> 01:19:53,970 citizens ignorant or would it be more 2101 01:19:53,970 --> 01:19:57,190 worth to fight for a country that keeps 2102 01:19:57,190 --> 01:19:59,357 its citizens informed ? That wants its 2103 01:19:59,357 --> 01:20:02,780 citizens to know its history and wants 2104 01:20:02,780 --> 01:20:05,190 its citizens to understand when there 2105 01:20:05,190 --> 01:20:08,730 are flaws in that country . 2106 01:20:09,610 --> 01:20:12,060 And it seems to me that we fought a 2107 01:20:12,060 --> 01:20:14,630 country in World War Two that 2108 01:20:16,610 --> 01:20:19,170 made all sorts of efforts is that 2109 01:20:19,180 --> 01:20:21,760 basically their reason debt to keep 2110 01:20:21,760 --> 01:20:24,120 their country , their citizens ignorant 2111 01:20:24,610 --> 01:20:27,380 of the truth of the way their country 2112 01:20:27,380 --> 01:20:31,370 acted . And uh finally it seems 2113 01:20:31,370 --> 01:20:34,430 to me that Mr carter basically insulted 2114 01:20:34,430 --> 01:20:37,280 the troops , our troops because it 2115 01:20:37,280 --> 01:20:39,502 implies that our troops couldn't handle 2116 01:20:39,502 --> 01:20:41,670 that information , troops aren't smart 2117 01:20:41,670 --> 01:20:43,726 enough to understand our history and 2118 01:20:44,210 --> 01:20:46,543 think critically about it . Mr Chairman , 2119 01:20:46,543 --> 01:20:48,766 I object to that that statement because 2120 01:20:48,766 --> 01:20:52,650 that that's you 2121 01:20:52,650 --> 01:20:55,210 had your time , you had your time . Um 2122 01:20:55,510 --> 01:20:58,320 Household motives members . 2123 01:20:59,810 --> 01:21:02,032 I didn't I was not at all including his 2124 01:21:02,032 --> 01:21:04,088 motives . I just said it seems to me 2125 01:21:04,088 --> 01:21:06,032 that he's implying that our troops 2126 01:21:06,032 --> 01:21:08,720 can't handle it and I think that is 2127 01:21:10,210 --> 01:21:13,290 that's not motivation . I'm not gonna 2128 01:21:13,290 --> 01:21:17,010 respond anyway . 2129 01:21:17,020 --> 01:21:20,940 Um Again it seems to me that that 2130 01:21:21,510 --> 01:21:23,730 even though we're not apparently 2131 01:21:24,110 --> 01:21:26,350 teaching critical race theory , which 2132 01:21:26,360 --> 01:21:29,160 and I don't know , one school , one K 2133 01:21:29,160 --> 01:21:31,450 through 12 school in the country that 2134 01:21:31,450 --> 01:21:33,394 is teaching critical race theory . 2135 01:21:33,394 --> 01:21:35,420 Although legislatures all over the 2136 01:21:35,420 --> 01:21:38,140 country now are passing legislation to 2137 01:21:38,140 --> 01:21:40,029 prevent it . This is kind of like 2138 01:21:40,029 --> 01:21:43,720 passing legislation to prevent non non 2139 01:21:43,840 --> 01:21:47,510 non existent election fraud . But this 2140 01:21:47,510 --> 01:21:50,940 is uh something that is very disturbing 2141 01:21:50,940 --> 01:21:54,230 because it's once again , it's a group 2142 01:21:54,230 --> 01:21:57,830 of citizens stoked by 2143 01:21:58,810 --> 01:22:02,370 um forces in the country that only want 2144 01:22:02,370 --> 01:22:05,740 to divide the country and uh find 2145 01:22:05,740 --> 01:22:08,730 reasons for citizens to be afraid of 2146 01:22:08,730 --> 01:22:12,440 non existent threats . And that uh 2147 01:22:13,710 --> 01:22:17,700 it almost this movement of anti CRT 2148 01:22:17,710 --> 01:22:20,540 movement is almost something that uh 2149 01:22:21,010 --> 01:22:24,380 I think actually supports 2150 01:22:25,110 --> 01:22:28,650 the premise of cr to cr t that there is 2151 01:22:28,650 --> 01:22:30,990 institutional racism in the country and 2152 01:22:30,990 --> 01:22:34,620 we ought to understand its sources and 2153 01:22:35,010 --> 01:22:38,430 um what we can do 2154 01:22:38,430 --> 01:22:41,550 to combat so . With that , I 2155 01:22:41,550 --> 01:22:44,450 will say , thank you again for your 2156 01:22:44,460 --> 01:22:46,793 testimony , Thanks for being so patient . 2157 01:22:46,793 --> 01:22:48,682 I apologize for all the technical 2158 01:22:48,682 --> 01:22:50,660 glitches and thank you for your 2159 01:22:50,660 --> 01:22:53,330 responsiveness and your service . And 2160 01:22:53,330 --> 01:22:56,060 with there's no further business , this 2161 01:22:56,060 --> 01:22:58,820 meeting is adjourned What ?